@Los Angeles Lakers


Gimme some of those back to back to back threes and get to that damn rim. LARRIORS HAD YOUR CHANCE WIT HIM

by jaltaffe


  1. Jmargin

    I hope so, GP has completely neutralized him the last two games

  2. LudwigNasche

    We need a 30 millions worth game from our 30 millions starting PG.

    KCP was amazing yesterday, sometimes I miss him and his energy.

    LFG, Lakers in 6!

  3. aryusuf

    Ham needs to run some plays to free some of our shooters. Steve Kerr has clamped down on our perimeter game. Reaves went 3/6 last game but that also include some off the dribble and heavily contested 3s.

    I wanna see Dlo getting 2-3 screens to open himself for a shot. If GSW over helps that opens up an AD lob or a LeBron cut. Let’s make GSW react to us and not the other way around, trust in Ham

  4. JaNotFineInTheWest

    Praying for a rain dance tonight! RAIN SOME 3s!!! LET’S GOOOOOO!!!

  5. Markel100

    Get gp off of him make klay switch on to him hes beem torching klay this series

  6. quwin123

    If we continue to start Vando, we need true offensive punch from D’Lo.

    The starting lineup has been anemic offensively.

  7. Brokenbullet14

    He needs to play well. Last 2 games he was useless

  8. RotmgJiing

    I’m from the the future. DLO drops 20+ tonight. Enjoy!

  9. Asswad123

    Don’t even need a big game. Just 15 points will do.

  10. Just-Faithlessness12

    When he scores 21+ we don’t lose in the playoffs

  11. Fifthace24

    Kerr knows DLo can get hot quickly, having coached him before. Anytime DLo looks like he’s about to go on a solo run, the Warriors seem to react quickly to put a stop to it. It’s why we’ve seen short flashes this series, but no game where DLo carries the scoring load. Would love to see him break through tonight.

  12. crazie88

    He needs to be more aggressive against GP, draw some fouls.

  13. everydayisstorytime

    Double-double and only 1 turnover for the win, calling it!

  14. 0rangJuice

    It was a mistake to give Lonnie the starting role and so many minutes. Took way to much time away from Vando and other guys who have been in the rotation more. Obviously a ton of other things didn’t go our way but we need Bron, D’lo to step up if AD is still rattled today. I fear he may only be able to bring it on 1 side of the court.

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