@National Basketball Association

[Hensley] Source: Apparently Draymond Green punched Jordan Poole before the season because Jordan Poole wasn’t listening to, and was being disrespectful to Steve Kerr. He said there is more involved than that but that that’s the immediate reason Draymond responded the way he did.

Pretty interesting stuff. The source essentially amounts to a random guy on Twitter, but it seems like he does have at least some connection to people inside the team.

But this is some helpful context that jibes with everything that happened this season

by JoeBiden2020FTW


  1. It was already reported Poole was kinda being a dick but still can’t punch him

  2. OrangeKookie

    I could buy it but to drop this after Poole had a dogshit series to pile on him seems kinda iffy after sitting on this info for a whole year

  3. dk240996

    Yeah that still isn’t reason for assault. And Poole playing like shit as of late doesn’t change it either.

  4. vancitylake

    Warriors PR working OT after the seasons over

  5. The_Donny_Lebowski

    So sucker punching a teammate in the face is the right thing to do?



    Draymond needs to pack his bags and go suck on Brons cock in LA

  6. 10SecViolation

    Warriors found their scapegoat the same way memphis did with dillon brooks

  7. cough_landing_on_you

    Draymond always listen to his coaches, good guy Draymond.

  8. OrdinaryFlower1

    Which, of course, was already denied by Steve Kerr himself.

    Plus, you don’t punch people in the head because they are not listening.

  9. sctthuynh

    Bro… We saw the video…

    It may have started with an argument about coaching etc

    But it was clearly personal the way things escalated.

  10. czechm800

    Wow this changes everything, thank god Draymond stepped in and showed some great veteran leadership in that moment!

  11. Sensitive-Seesaw-415

    Highly doubt that, Dray was grabbing his balls talking crap on the sideline then approached JP. That’d typical hyper masculinity fragile ego, I’m a big macho man you can’t doing nothing behavior. I.e. Dray was mad about something that was directed at himself not at anyone else.

  12. TheWolfInAllStreets

    Draymond disrespects Kerr too I don’t get it

  13. flashdash007

    So if the Nuggets lose who’s the scapegoat?

    Grizzlies: Brooks

    Warriors: Poole (Klay a contender)

  14. fallen_estarossa

    The hit pieces start to drip. Poole is gone for sure

  15. Dude thought 7 months of a good reason and came up with this lol.

  16. buffalobill41

    Sources close to the situation say Rihanna was being disrespectful to Chris Brown and his friends.

    This is dogshit.

  17. SiriPsycho100

    Lol as if that’s a reason to superman sucker punch a teammate.

  18. SolubleAcrobat

    Credible sources say that Poole stated “milk should be poured before cereal” before Draymond punched him, but the Warriors organization has kept that fact on the down-low in order to preserve Poole’s reputation from being hindered if such an opinion were made public.

  19. charmangander

    dropping the poole slander to help justify moving him. held onto to the story cause they were trying to make it work. until now.

  20. SiriPsycho100

    Frankly, I just appreciate Draymond showing such self-restraint not to chokehold the life out of Poole. That’s Veteran Leadership™️.

  21. dill_pickles

    Draymond called him arrogant on his podcast like 2 days before and said Poole thinks he’s on Steph and Klay level because of his performance in the previous season/playoffs, but that he’s not on their level. Kerr has already said this storyline is not true, and that he loved Pooles attitude. Kerr said it was not a single bit Pooles fault in his eyes. He clearly just didn’t like Pooles arrogant attitude and thought he should be more passive as a young player on the Warriors, but instead is making national headlines and signed a big contract, with the warriors aquiescing a bit to keep him. He literally said he hoped Steph and Klay put him in his place when they were in China. Then a week later he punched him in the face.

  22. -xXxMangoxXx-

    There are very very few things someone can say/do that deserve getting punched in the head. Not listening to a coach and being kinda lazy in the offseason ain’t one of them. If Draymond was yelling at him back, no one would care, he punched him.

  23. listinglight778

    So this is why Kerr was more concerned about it being leaked 😂

  24. AggressiveRegret

    Uh oh, sources starting to link unflattering stories about Poole. He gone

  25. homelessyachtclub

    This is just fodder and justification for moving him at a cost this off-season

  26. CanadianLionelHutz

    I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 400 Alex.

  27. Batman_in_hiding

    Holy shut the warriors are ruthless when it comes to pushing narratives.

    So you’re telling me Poole was causing all this chaos behind the scenes and the warriors extended him anyway?

  28. lukslopes

    They started throwing shit at the fan. Nice!

  29. JoJonesy

    oh so they’re trying to make it Poole’s fault. interesting.

    ^(he gone?)

  30. bigkeys11

    I can’t believe how far fallen poole has fallen off in a year. All those Poole Maxey or Harden posts look wild now

  31. pugofthewildfrontier

    Not that interesting. Kerr can take a punch don’t need dray to defend him.

  32. This sounds like the start of getting rid of Poole lol

  33. this_place_stinks

    And that source? Draymond Green

  34. newvpnwhodis

    We’re now doing a “Why Draymond was right for punching Poole in the face” campaign? What the hell is this?

  35. unclehelpful

    Member in the regular season Poole took a boneheaded shot and Curry through his mouth piece and got ejected?

    I think the whole team has been sick of him since before the punch and they couldn’t move him on because they would look like assholes if they did.

    Not condoning or justify the punch and fuck Draymond but there’s always more to the story and Poole is definitely gone.

  36. BankysJoint

    Just stfu about it fuck…. Green is like a bitter hs girl

  37. MindlessMenu8303

    I’m actually fucking disgusted by this. This is how they’re going to part ways with Poole? By throwing him under the fucking bus and blame him for being hit? I’m no JP fan, he needs to go, but this is not the fucking way to do it. So when Steph and Kerr was saying that he did nothing to deserve this, they were lying? I’m a fan, but I’m not so far up this team’s collective ass that I’m going to think this is acceptable. All to protect one hot head, it’s pathetic.

  38. cad_internet

    It was and is a complete joke there wasn’t severe repercussions for assaulting a fellow NBA player.

  39. zulmirao

    Remember that a blue check on Twitter means *lack* of credibility now. This is worthless.

  40. IJustGotRektSon

    Draymond camp working during the off-season I see.

  41. lawyerlyaffectations

    Steve Kerr can take care of his damn self. This seems like BS. Draymond punched him cause Draymond is an asshole.


    Actually hilarious how obvious it is when everyone’s opinion on a player changes. The day after the end of a bad playoff run from Poole, oh now he was actually being a dick and Draymond punched him in the face with righteous indignation 🙄

  43. There are better ways to teach somebody a lesson. I’m pretty sure Steve Kerr can relate since MJ punched him during practice. Not everybody responds positively by being punched.

  44. Lyin-Don

    >The source essentially amounts to a random guy on Twitter


    Prudent of this unimpeachable source to wait until their season ended to share this with us

    And even if it’s true – who fucking cares? That’s not how you settle a dispute and there is zero chance Kerr would approve such buffoonery


  45. ChampionshipLast7159

    Many Warriors fans were OK with Draymond punching Poole, saying, without knowing the details, he must have done something to deserve it.
    So it seems now the propaganda to clear Draymond continues…
    The Warriors stand out as having a culture where grown individuals will be punched to ground in their work place and everyone will be OK with it…
    That kind of thing used to be seen in the society like 100 years ago…
    I’ve been watching the NBA for decades now and to me the Warriors present as an ugly, dislikable entity with unsportsmanlike nature..
    Grown as man lying like a child… “I didn’t see the replay..” Shame…

  46. IndyPoker979

    So that justifies it?

    Mental gymnastics.

    Green lost his cool. He lost his temper. OWN it.

  47. ACanOfPickles

    The source also said that Draymond is “extremely handsome” and deserves a 300 million dollar extension

  48. bootyhunter69420

    I don’t anything could spin this in a way that makes Green in the right.

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