@Toronto Raptors

Rumours & the Coach Carousel – Pull Up Tre w/ Samson Folk

Samson Folk & Trevon Heath discuss the latest in the Raptors sphere.

0:00 – Introductions

1:00 – Masai rumors

4:20 – Gary’s changing market

11:40 – the latest coaching rumors

17:20 – Checking in on Stackhouse

18:10 – Corner offense

21:30 – Becky Hammon

23:12 – No goodbyes for Nurse from players

27:45 – Do the playoffs inform what we want from the Raptors?

36:35 – BLUE JAYS

43:17 – Draft talk incoming

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  1. I would like Redick to get an assistant coaching job with the Raptors, but not the head coach position, he has no experience.

  2. Great podcast, guys. As Caitlyn Cooper said last week, Scottie passing out of the high post needs shooters around him. Ideally, Scottie becomes a shooter himself – even Gasol would take and make the occasional 3. It would be hard to lose Gary and/or Fred without bringing back multiple shooters, and is that even possible? Is DDV enough?

    Nick was clearly out of sync with the team half way through the season, and making mistakes reflecting a basic inattentiveness. Masai should have pulled the plug then. Hard to do politically, and with ownership, but it was SO OBVIOUS.

  3. Hoping all these interviews are not just helpful to fill HC, but also replenish other dev. areas in the team

    Sidenote: The "good luck w those guys" comment, I took as either directed towards the players or… the reporters 🤔

  4. I took it to mean the media based on previous and post comments Masai made during that press conference.

  5. Gary taking that player option is #1

    Gary negotiating a very minor extension is #2

    And signing Gary to less money is #3, because of the risk involved.

  6. If Maxey gets play time on a contender Gary can get play time on a contender in playoffs…Honestly toss the JJ Redick theory out the window….at this point lets just be honest with ourselves our best option and candidate with the best experience for the new HC is Becky Hammon. Give her the job and lets get to work.

  7. GTJ is def a better defender than Poole lol. Poole is def a better tougher shot maker, but id rather have GTJ because he has a higher IQ. He's also not selfish and doesnt chuck up shots. Jordan poole is all about swag points. GTJ earns his swag points off the court.

  8. I would agree with Tre and I think they’re were moves Bobby may have wanted that Masai killed. That’s imho.

  9. Fred is the worst shooter and defender. He has a lower shooting percentage than Trent
    When fight breaks out Trent rushed to OG defense.
    We live in a copycat society, there is no originality, reality don't sell just propaganda

  10. I would like Becky Hammon as head coach. Brittni Donaldson as top assistant coach. JJ Redick as shooting coach

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