@Denver Nuggets

Has Nikola Jokic Positively Changed Your Opinion About Him? | THE ODD COUPLE

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker discuss if it’s time to put some respect on Nikola Jokic’s name.

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  1. These dudes seem so grieved and pained that they might have to admit the magnificence of Jokic and the possibility that he's the best basketball player on earth. I get it. It's like when you're already dating a person you thought you loved then you meet someone else who's absolutely perfect and who meets all the qualifications you envisioned your whole life. It's tough to make that change, fellas. I get it.

  2. Maybe Jokic should team up with two other top 15 players like Lebron…then we can talk about how great he is when he wins the next 10 chips

  3. you fackin serious. a player that can get off the ground. and more that 2 guard who suppose be an all star level by now is a big help and 3 more players that could be on all star level but they are reduced to playin for him. lol. like he is a white qb or something. the eagerness was on another level from entire nuggets. like they gonna be lynched if they aint try hard for their massa. lmao. or even on steroids. especially games 6 suns player looked gassed after hard try on game 3 and 4. but not vitamine c rich denver team. no on notice that?

  4. Jokic is a good role model for anyone picked outside of the top 10, even into the 2nd round. He worked his tail off to get into the best shape he can, he learned the fundementals of the game from footwork up to schemes, and he is a 2 time MVP winner with a chance to win his first title and cement himself as one of the best centers to ever touch a basketball.

    For the same reasons he's a great rolemodel for kids who normally see diva superstars in sports. Jokic is one of a kind, and we are blessed in Denver to have watched him for years growing up.

  5. If PHI make the Finals, will Embiid FINALLY face Jokic in Denver???

    Sure, he had a GREAT game against Jokic…. but he missed the rematch… and hasn't played in Denver for 3yrs…

    SAC beat GSW three time in this Playoffs…they bragging on it??
    NO!! Cos they LOST THE SERIES!!!


  7. That's what happens when you let players grow into what they could be, because of sports talk shows this one included ,the progression of player development is sped up, and if you don't win a chip or at least there people start dogging them.

  8. Jokic b2b western finals with a healthy team

    The last 2 years he won mvp because his team was trash with rivers and campazzo starting. Obviously they got bounced vs legit playoff teams because he had no help.

    Curry doesnt carry his teams to the playoffs or he wouldve got bounced to.

  9. New watcher… but I felt like this is so unprofessional cause it seems like Rob is disrespecting Chris by being on his phone all the time. I can't stand it when I'm talking to someone and they are on the phone. BUT,, since this is my first time, maybe this is the only time he did it. So I may be wrong and it is possible that he has an emergency he has to answer. So please don't be offended Rob, if this is the only time this happened. I'm just writing about what I see.

    Just the fact that you post this video on Youtube, and alot of ppl are watching, it seems really unprofessional from the optics, if someone is on their phone during the conversation. But please correct me, and forgive me, if you think I'm out of line.

  10. Why nobody ever make the argument that Steph is not a great defender either? But still call him the best player.

    Jokic is not a great defender, but he's not a liability either. That doesn't keep him from being the best player.

    One thing Jokic is that neither Giannis or Embiid will ever be is INFLUENTIAL. Giannis and Embiid are excellent but classic. Jokic revolutionizes the game like Curry did. I hope upcoming centers will model their game after Jokic but add their athleticism to it.

    I don't like Broussard's logic. He's been wrong all the time lately.

  11. Missing Jamal, yes, but Porter too, who finished the Phoenix series needing back surgery and missed the Warriors series. So not just your second guy…also the third. That is not counting the injuries to Morris, Barton and Dozier, all rotation players at the time. So, more accurately, Jokić only had one starter with him in those.

  12. Jokic has been playing at this high level the last 3 seasons. This year he has a crew. Also let's be real Mal is good but he's no superstar.

  13. I still don't think people understand exactly how great Jokic is. They say he's not underrated because he has 2 mvps and hasn't won anything yet which to me is bogus way of trying write him off because the majority of all time great who weren't drafted to teams with Hall of Famers didn't win anything til 7th to 10th season.

    Jokic in his 8th year and didn't become an All-NBA player til his 4th year and only been an MVP level player since his 6th year , spent the first 2 seasons at an MVP level with his best teammate injured.
    Jordan didn't win til year 7
    Shaq year 8
    Lebron and Moses Malone year 9
    KD and Hakeem year 10

    Jokic is the greatest all around offensive player ever but because he does it in this awkward looking unorthodox way instead of it looking pretty like Kyrie, Luka , Steph, Embiid or highlights like Jordan or LeBron so people can't recognize it.

    But just look at what he can do on offense, it's litterally everything a team might need.

    Post ✅️
    Mid Range ✔️
    3pt line ✔️
    Passing ✅️
    Rebounding ✅️

    Playmaker pick&roll with the ball ✔️
    Playmaker pick& roll as the roll man ✔️
    Scoring off the dribble check ✔️
    Catch &Shoot, Catch & Finish ✔️
    Setting Screens ✔️
    Running a fastbreak ✔️
    Ability to play ball dominant check ✔️
    Playing without dominating the ball ✔️
    Unselfishness, lack of ego ✔️

    People have to exaggerate his defensive deficiencies to make it seem like he has this major hole in his game that takes from his offensive greatness, but people and their subjective eye tests lie way more often than numbers do and the numbers say Jokic is a positive for his team on defense and better than most centers in the league on that end too.

  14. Embiid has done less then Jokic in the play offs yet he deserved an MVP?
    Crazy double standards lmao

  15. When people use the word athlete I laugh.
    If you want to see an athlete being athletic watch Jokic running for a fast break in the 4rth quarter of game 5. You will see one "athlete" chasing after him but being a few steps to far behind.
    Hollywood and roided clowns messed up peoples minds with that athlete word.

  16. Yeah… you snubbed the guy… but atleast pick the sensible reasons… dont't give us clutch and stuff with Jokic!😂

  17. How can Chris go for da Lakers in the next serie if they beat his pick
    U can't play no more
    I guess if your a gamble r
    Till the season over he just need a ring

  18. Finally 👏 you guys stepping out of the 🤡🌍 AND KEEP IT REAL 💯


  19. Not really saw him as top 10 player the past few years, now a top 5 but that’s not really a big difference.. Most ppl issue is the way the writers had change the narrative each year on why he he won mvp & the this year when he didn’t ( I think he should’ve won this year).. which is Bs is a lot off ppl mind both from a recent basis and historical standpoint

  20. they are killing me with this Joker bullshit… it's sports not everybody is going to like players.. all I keep hearing is why don't people like him, why is Joker underrated and all this bullshit.. it's just annoying at this point

  21. The one thing said here that may go under the radar is that statement about how good/dominant Jokic and Luka without the athleticism prevalent in today's game. That's why debates about comparing players from dufferent eras are hust silly!!! Spot on Broussard

  22. Embiid "demolished" Jokic? You mean the game Jokic had 24 8 and 7 on 70%! true shooting? hmm nice lie Brou.

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