@Memphis Grizzlies

Ja Morant WARNED By Dez Bryant, Javaris Crittenton, Stephen Jackson & MORE About His Circle

Ja Morant WARNED By Dez Bryant, Javaris Crittenton, Stephen Jackson & MORE About His Circle of friends. Some of these players have been through career damaging situations with firearms.
#jamorant #stephenjackson #shannonsharpe #espn #dezbryant #javariscrittenton #plaxicoburress #mattbarnes #allthesmoke #memphisgrizzlies #grizzlies #memphis #shannonsharpe #undisputed #clubshayshay #teemo #teemorant #skipbayless


  1. Ja doesn't care about nothing or no one but himself. My parents used to always say, " A hard head makes a soft behind." He gonna learn the hard way.🤦🏾‍♀️

  2. This is getting old! If he hasn't learned the first time, he's not going to learn until he has to learn it the hard way! It's unfortunate that that's how it's got to be, but apparently he's made his choice! I wish him well, but sometimes you gotta let people live and learn!

  3. People defending JA are straight morons, he's a representative of the NBA, he's not allowed to do this, he can wave guns all he wants, just not as a NBA representative.

  4. He is just a young drunk, it's the dam nba fault they let this dude do some two week rehab just so he could play a day game, additction is real shit! This fool need rehab period!!

  5. Ja needs to lose his Nike deal, and all his endorsements so he can save his life. He’s around folks that won’t step in and protect him from himself

  6. People assume he has bad people around him, but what if HE is the bad influence of the crew?
    It's like parents who always tell their kids to not hang out whit this or that kid until the day they realize their kid IS THE bad seed.

  7. Lol they keep blaming his friends … he the one holding the gun … from what I see his homie wasn’t even expecting it he put the cam down fast asf 😂 probably told him to put it away n all but 🤷🏽‍♂️

  8. Thats why when lebron James retire we are definitely gonna miss him,these new players aint focused and are not committed

  9. Did this really happen again? Or is this some AI ish. It’s no way one person can be so self destructive.

  10. Ya think that maybe he’s asking for help? I know this is kinda crazy to say but maybe he’s asking for help because he doesn’t know how to distance himself from these people he associated with and somehow this erratic behaviour is him asking for someone to come and pull him outta there

  11. For some reason I just wanna Fight Stephen Jackson.. I feel like He ain’t never really Been Punched Before.. although he said nothing Wrong, I just get tired of him feeling like He need to speak for our Youth When he In His
    50s still perpetrating A 20year old

  12. such high character. great role model for the kids. if only society would not have held him back. he would never have acted this way. he is the victim in our country now.

  13. I love how everyone keep putting the blame on his circle. It’s not his friends who are holding up the gun. IT’S HIM! He was playing in everybody’s faces the first time saying he went to therapy and whatnot, and he’s playing in everybody’s face now. Ja is not a 16 year old kid who is being peer pressured to look hard. He is a 23 year old man, who is doing what some his age would do with far less to lose. He clearly needs a mentor to teach him how to navigate that level of success. Because if he keeps going down this road, he and Dillion Brooks will be reunited playing in China together in 5 years or less.

  14. Why is Stephen Jackson still talking. The "Just Do You" guy..

  15. See that’s where we got it twisted. You are the perfect people to tell me what he should and shouldn’t do when you care about a young fella and you want him to understand cut that bull crap out or you gonna regret it. That’s exactly what you post to do and don’t be kind about it Because he can come back to you one day and say damn man. I’m glad you told me that or he gonna be calling you from the county jail and steel saying damn I wish I would’ve listen to you so just because you’ve made the mistakes you’re the perfect person to tell him about it cause you know firsthand he don’t he live in a cloud he think he’s superman for real he just don’t know them Europeans let him know he just another one of us

  16. Well I hope this is the one that bites him in the ass, you can't help someone who doesn't want it. He needs to experience what it's like to be hit in them pockets that'll slow him down.

  17. What's funny is you got these fake thugs ex players like Steven Jackson justify the behavior. Dude is a fake thug old as hell.

  18. The dude just need to go to the streets with his broke ass friends sad sad I promise you morant will be in prison or out of the NBA WATCH

  19. I dnt like how his friends are getting blamed ja picked up the gun and held it up both times he clearly calls the shots money talks if you and gets a sponsorship with NRA starts a YouTube practicing gun safety he will be ok and it will open him up to endorsements NBA players couldn’t fathom

  20. not for nothing of course it happened again when you got guys like jalen rose trying portray some kind of o.g. status giving him so called guidance. i think this was more of an opportunity for these guys to exude the same thing in a passively aggressive way. its all a joke! its up to ja and his family not these fake tough basketball players who chime in.

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