@Golden State Warriors

Why Did Jordan Poole DISAPPEAR For The Golden State Warriors?

The Golden State Warriors had very high hopes before their season was ended by the Lakers. The team worked very hard this entire season; however, Jordan Poole was noticeably absent and was not there for the Warriors when they needed him most. What happened to him? Watch and find out. Hope you enjoy.

#goldenstatewarriors #jordanpoole #nba


  1. I think that the entire tee of main stream sports media, and the sycophants who follow the idiot see are full of excrement from a diseased giant idiot.

    Trying to dump all this on Jordan, and not on Klay Thompson, not on some of these head scratcher’s death, Stephen Curry had as well as the MIA of Andrew Wiggins, and ultimately of the talk a lot but not do a lot of Draymond Green.

    To the Golden State Warriors fans, who have been delusional since forever, before the splash brothers were thing, to the LeBron James sycophants, who actually think that he is better than Magic Johnson much less Michael Jordan… your bench player can’t overcome when the starters are playing lackluster.

    Fortunately, Talking Heads and fans don’t have the Accu meant and business savvy of billionaires who owned major sports franchise teams. They’ll likely manage the situation to the point that the luxury, tax penalties and other insanities will leave us with the following:

    Klay Thomson will be offered a hometown discount or he will leave the team.
    Draymond Green due to his suspect play to the point one would consider him throwing a game for his buddy LeBron, is likely to petition for a new team, and likely want to play for the Lakers.
    Bob Myers is likely to step down.
    I suspect at 19 and one during western playoff series, Steve Kerr will likely step down as well.
    Stephen Curry will never have to worry about a debate on whether he is a top 10 NBA player of all time. He has joined the likes of Peyton Manning shortly before the Super Bowl, where he lost against the New Orleans saints where sports illustrated prematurely Christian him as the greatest quarterback of all time.

    Jordan Poole played no better or no worse than he did during the championship year. The team chemistry was thrown off, as well as the season was thrown the second Draymond Green wanted to try to punch Jordan. Bob Myers, and Steve Kerr, likely campaign for Joe Latham to forgo the future by trying to ride this train that had no chance of getting to the finals. I’m willing to bet that from a business aspect, it’s better to move on from those great players, who have lost a step in Draymond Green and Klay Thomson, that it is to trade, Andrew Wiggins and Jordan Poole.

    The insanity of Steve Kerr for not playing Jonathan Kuminga, who would’ve made a difference and would have stopped the Lakers is one that I hope he takes into his pending retirement, and stepping down from the team.

    Steph Curry is likely to have his dream of fulfilling the script he outlined of playing with Giannis Antetokounmpo.

  2. if they trade poole and klay or steph especially gets injured for a good while the warriors prolly wont even make the playoffs so pick your poison

  3. Lose means lose, don't throw blame to someone else. Curry got a lot of mistakes and mis 3 point too as well as green and Thompson, not only jordan. Just saying

  4. I blame the Warriors for letting the beef with Draymond drag on to that infamous Draymond punch to his head. Since then, Poole has been on a mission to destroy the team with his play. Not only is he physically and psychologically scarred from the punch, he is shamed that the video was released. It’s just all bad. I feel for Curry, annoyed with Klay and think Draymond is a problem.

  5. Listen Poole was definitely ass but he’s like 14 years old. When are we gonna talk about WASHED ASS KLAY!! He was the disappointment by far!

  6. Poole and Ja Morant are the exact same kind of person:

    Get a bag, and lose ALL discipline/motivation.

  7. He wants to be a starter but he could have learned from Malik Monk of the Kings, he doesn’t start but oftentimes leads the team in scoring.

  8. Jordan Poole sucks without a doubt. But where is the video on the Invisible Man reincarnated "Klay Thompson"? If the Warriors think they are winning with either
    of these no shows again they are delusional. For Klay's part he tries sometimes
    but all season hot and cold and usually cold! Poole situation was a bank robbery
    with not too smart owners and GM Myers paying Poole while doing nothing to
    bulk up the rebounding and inside scoring.

  9. Open ur eyes people … poole sold the series!!! He should be investigated… forced shots & errors … poole should be arrested for deadly possesion of ugly face!!! 😂😂😂 ben simmons 2.0

  10. Poole, Wiseman, Kuminga, PBJ, Moody, I mean the Warriors have been failing a lot of their rookies.

  11. When a person gets knocked out it can cause nearly undetectable brain and neurological injuries as well as PTSD. The PTSD is even more likely when the abuser is in constant contact with the victim afterwards. Poole needs a full workup as well as chiropractic and deep tissue massage. It would also be helpful if the team banned the perpetrator permanently.

  12. 43% and 33% shooting is not good him and Klay were chucking shots all season long

  13. Hold – curry / moody / kumiga / looney / wiggins / gp2 – everyone else can go. Aggressively pursure brown (celtics) & turner ( pacers)

  14. The warriors lost 2 games to the Lakers by only 3 points. One less turnover or a couple percent better shooting from the team would have put the Warriors over the top. There would not have been a game 6.

  15. Last time I checked it’s a team sport not an individual sport 😂

  16. First, they should have traded Poole instead of signing him to that contract. He doesn't fit with this team's play style. I said that from the start of the season. Second, Poole did NOT have a good regular season. He played more minutes because of Wiggins' absence and the fact GP2 wasn't there all year. But 43% FG and 33% 3-pointers is NOT a good year. He was out-of-control all the time on offense, and his defense was non-existent. This playoff performance was predictable… undisciplined, poor decision-maker.

  17. If basketball was a hustle and then they get bag, i understand why they would stop caring. Cant expect everyone to see the game the same way.

  18. Poole party is indeed a disappointment to GSW. I don't know what kind of dribbling what he was doing. It's so easy to be stealed and make a turn over. He has the most turn over, if I'm not mistaken.

  19. Remember the rule change fuc#d him. When they started calling carry. Messed up his natural instinct. Had him second guessing every move.

  20. Since draymond punch poole that was the sign the warriors not going to make it to 2023 finals. Poole bring down warriors not obviously.

  21. I believe Poole did this on purpose. That's why the punch was some how recorded and put on the internet.. The narrative was already set. People forget this is entertainment, they're all characters. I knew what was up when I saw Curry talking to Bronny.. All you have to do is pay attention. That's why the media does many takes everyday.

  22. Package a deal with Klay, Poole , and Klay or Kuminga for a legitimate center

  23. For those saying "give him (Poole) time to adjust.." is not a valid argument.
    This is the season where he must prove that payday. If he really is THAT guy that he thinks he is then should have delivered.
    -Too much nonsensical turnovers
    -0 defense
    He wants a system that surrounds around him like he's THE superstar (where he hasn't proved that). That's why he whines and makes faces whenever he's subbed. Steve Kerr and his staff is also to be blamed on this. There's a reason why Green threw a punch on this kid. Poole's been running that mouth like he's the next Jesus right after receiving that fat paycheck.

  24. Lost of warriors to Lakers was steph's mistake during crunch time not JP… and a poor shooting of klay during playoff, better to rebuild warriors and trade this 2fucking star

  25. I can’t find the tweet but I remember someone saying something along the lines of that Jordan Poole plays like Steve Kerr spins him in circles at least three times before he takes the floor and honestly, I kinda see it.

  26. The fact that Steve Kerr can't figure out how to play Poole, traded a big body who could've probably helped down low in Wiseman, and has now benched Kuminga to the point that he wants out.
    I think it's safe to say that this team is gonna keep going to the Klay, Steph, and Dray bail out and refuse to bridge the gap. 🤦

  27. Poole has tremendous talent, he can definitely take this team to the next level. But he needs some humble pie. Talking back to coaches is not acceptable.

  28. Jordan Poole is shameless. If he joins CBA (hell no, wish no team is so stupid to sign such a trash), our players will beat him everyday in the locker room. And we will hold sticks and wait him in the parking lot. He is the only player who is wasted on court. There are all kinds of lousy players. But Poole is the only one who is no willing to win.

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