@Golden State Warriors

jordan and steph on jordan staying with the warriors

jordan and steph on jordan staying with the warriors

by realitytv2734


  1. MadWalrus

    Last year was a pleasant surprise, this year was growing pains – JP and Steph will figure this out moving forward.

  2. roscochicken90

    If he has Steph’s blessing I have no complaints 🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. Dynasty_30

    If Steph believes in JP, JP isn’t going anywhere

  4. ForkingtheGrodiest

    This was before game 6, he was saying the right thing hoping jordan would stop punting. Can we stop pretending Curry doesn’t abhor that quitter?

  5. Drehawk

    He could also be the “key” trade piece. I was hoping the Celtics lost yesterday and then more pressure to consider making a major move, like trade JB for JP.

  6. testchenaccount

    I had my doubts but I trust Steph more than my own judgement.

  7. WeeklySavings

    If Steph believes in him, then so should we

  8. ManufacturerJumpy748

    I mean, JP is a gym rat. He spent one summer just working and grinding, and he ended up getting a bag. If he can grind to learn how to be a better defender and how to learn to not f*cking trip all the time, perhaps, perhaps.

  9. Drakilgon

    The fact that he doesn’t think this was a bad year is just more of a problem.

    He needs to fix fundamental issues with his game. Saying he’ll work hard on defense, turnovers and shooting in the off season is what we need to hear.

  10. anthonyjh21

    Going to play devil’s advocate here. What does anyone expect Curry to say? To point to JP the joker and say we need to shuffle the deck and pick another card?

    JP was paid to be the transition guy and he’s definitely the key to their future, either to stay and get his shit together or to be traded and likely have to give picks/players in the process.

    My opinion is he’s unfortunately not the future of a perennial championship contending team. His ceiling is a few flash in the pan seasons to nowhere wherein he’s happy with 1-2 all star selections. I know that’s not popular around here to not have unwaivering support for these guys but as a business and with the goal of handing the torch as a winning team JP just ain’t that guy and I doubt management is happy with him.

  11. george_costanza1234

    Damn get rid of this clown already

  12. Individual_Scheme_11

    People will criticize Poole for looking at the good things this year, but that’s what we gotta do. Remember the positives. And its not unheard of for a guy to break out, get paid, then struggle when the rest of the league has to pay him more attention.

  13. The_Ovani

    Nah China-trade him asap for Dwight Howard to help Looney off the bench.


  14. Byron517

    He just needs to grow the f up.. heal whatever issue he had with Draymond and be committed to the work ethic and culture of the Warriors. Work your tail off this off-season and get ready to kick the doors in next year!

  15. IAmNotKevinDurant_35

    I know a lot of folks are down on JP, but I haven’t lost hope in him just yet. He did not improve the way we expected this year, no two ways around it. But between the punch, the carrying violations early in the year (which I think messed with him more than many realized), and endless media/fan scrutiny it’s a tough situation for a young player. And I do think he was feeling himself a little too much coming off a breakout year, title, and new contract.

    I’d like to give him a proper offseason before completely writing off a talented young player. Is he going to be the next Steph Curry? Absolutely not, nobody is. Can he still be a big part in helping the big 3 win basketball games? Definitely

  16. ThatPoppinFreshFit

    I could see this to mean 3 different things:

    1.) JP is going to be a *key* player in the Warriors projected path to a championship.

    2.) A trade that includes JP is the *key* to getting the necessary role players.

    3.) JP is literally a *key* disguised as a basketball player.

  17. DropKickDougie

    If Steph wants him back I trust his judgment but JP needs a serious attitude adjustment because when he gets all up in his feels, he becomes a liability on the court and in the locker room.

    Developing his defensive game is also a priority.

  18. loongod5

    he’s the key as in he’s the trade piece or as in he will figure it out and be an absolutely different force next year

  19. vitalbumhole

    After the season winding down a bit and emotions fading, I really do think we should keep JP and Joku by any means necessary. Would be nice to keep Moody as well but he may have to get moved for some things to work. JP scored 20ppg this year and had a rough playoff stretch, but we need him going forward if we’re gonna get one more ring out of this & have a competent squad post Steph.

    I could honestly see JP taking the starting role from Klay, but he HAS to improve his defense and needs to improve his shot selection. I still believe in him and think it’s important to keep in context how young he is & what he has the potential to become

  20. ChampyAndShip

    delusional if you think it was a good year


    what really bothers me is the mentality- If yoy ask Steph Klay and Dray who have been to the mountain top 4x – “was this season a success/good” they would all say that anything short of a championship isnt a good season. The fact Jordan doesnt think like that isn’t something he can improve in the gym or weightroom. Dont have that dawg in em

  21. ww_crimson

    There’s no scenario where Steph can come out and say anything negative about JP, and things work out ok. If JP stays, it would hurt morale. If they want to trade him, it doesn’t help his trade value. This is just a canned response from a smart leader.

  22. IHave580

    I love that from steph man, that’s awesome.

  23. neo9027581673

    JP is the key…in what the Dubs get in return.

  24. Existing_Web_1300

    JP needs to fix his attitude and body language. Hell half the battle is putting in the time and effort. We just have to bank on him learning from this season and showing up next ready to get after it.

  25. Dang_it_

    Reminder that Steph wanted to keep Mark Jackson

  26. IsThisMe8

    This seems like it was after game 5, not game 6 when they lost the series.

    It’s still possible that they do bring back Poole to start the season if they don’t find a trade they like, but they would need to hit on all the minimum vet guys they get on the roster. Also, if Poole stays, he needs to work on his handle and his defense.

  27. Voelkj57

    He’s the key to the trade that will bring in new players that helps them win another championship next season is what Steph probably meant…

  28. TicTacBox

    Jordan Poole redemption arc in bound 👀

  29. speakwithcode

    JP just needs to get out of his head and humble himself to criticism. I feel like a lot of his responses were just him saying he’s going to do what he’s been doing. It should be more of an examination and to see what he needs to do. He has the tools, though very chaotic at times. Harness the tools, figure out how to be better for the team and not just himself then I can see him being a future leader in the organization and league.

    The Warriors future should be JP, JK, Moody, Looney, and PBJ as the future starting 5.

  30. Mo0d123

    this is just a pragmatic answer, Steph and all of us saw the problem of Poole unfold. this couldve been won easily if it wasnt for Poole playing a huge part of Warriors defeat

  31. EffinCroissant

    I assume Steph is talking it up for the cameras. Poole’s got to go, let’s not wait things out to see his stock hit rock bottom like Wiseman and move him for pennies.

  32. I think you’ll see all the key Warriors players coming in supportive of Poole so that they don’t impact his trade value.

  33. mikeisaphreek

    he’s in the fabric the same way the shit smell is in the fabric of your pants when you shit them

  34. AMS_GoGo

    Look I’m happy that Steph supports his teammates and all but the fact that JP doesn’t think this year was an issue.. IS AN ISSUE ITSELF

    Not a fan of lacking accountability

  35. realitytv2734

    ps: i didn’t realize that this was prior to game 6 so who knows if steph really wants to keep him. he could’ve been talking about at that time, or not have even meant it

  36. billymartinkicksdirt

    They have ALL said that. Dray has said it, and then said it’s up to them to pass it on correctly and make sure he knows how good he can be and the opportunity.

    There are times it sounds like GSW media talking points, but I think they believe it and like to think they’re building something. Klay will vanish, Kerr will ride into the sunset if he doesn’t go full Pop and manage his whole life, but everyone else will be around the organization long after.

    The truth is Loon is the man. This postseason didn’t exclude Poole but it did remind us, this will be Loon’s team in a way.

    (Poole’s drinking his own bath water though, this year was alarm bells, how the fuck doesn’t he know that?)

  37. ArtfulLying

    If I have to watch another year of this dipshit I’m gonna lose my mind.

  38. poulmavinger

    Fuck it, let’s run it back! Dray decline the PO and give us a friendly deal lol. Klay do the same next yr, then we may have a shot.

  39. enblightened

    ive seen poole put effort on defense and be passable through a couple full games so i dont think he needs to focus on his defense all off season to not be a “attempt wild reach and watch his man drive by him all the way to the cup” cone next year. His problem is effort. Then, in many of the curry absent stretches, poole is great offensively, but is usually back to poor as soon as curry comes back. poole needs to spend the season with curry learning to play off each others gravity and maybe try a two man game with draymond just like he does with curry. just force him to try and make the right decisions in a 2 scenario attack so its simple for him. and it would be nice to see him stop turning the ball over every fucking possession.

  40. youngmostafa

    Now all you pooole haters can shut the hell up about trading him

    Steph has spoken 🐐

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