@Golden State Warriors

JP on his relationship with dray

JP on his relationship with dray

by A1cp666


  1. A1cp666

    Should they run it back next season or does one have to go?

  2. deliciouspuppy

    think it’s better for all parties if jp goes to another team. fresh start and more freedom on offense for jp, way less money out of lacob’s wallet, and finding someone who fits better with the big three. also, fanbase is probably ok with trading him after one of the all time worst playoff performances in warriors history.

  3. WeeklySavings

    Can anyone really be upset if JP don’t like Draymond off the court? I mean dude got rocked

  4. I_dont_eat_animals_

    After that punch something about this team just didn’t feel right

  5. Drehawk

    I don’t condone Draymknd’s punch, but Poole did shove Draymond before the punch.

  6. Substantial-Lion8031

    Somebody has to go its not healthy for the team, It cant continue on like this

  7. No-Astronomer139

    I don’t condone Draymond hitting Poole, AT ALL. I wonder what Poole said to him though. You have to imagine in his career Draymond has heard just about everything.

  8. can’t really even be mad at this, he probably checked out the season the second draymond connected on his jaw

  9. jb-schitz-ki

    Give Poole a long leash at the beginning of next season, let him get a couple 30/40 point games and then look for a trade. His value is all time low right now.

  10. Ok-Roof-978

    Obviously but aren’t over it. Just read a piece sunday on how draymond punched him bc JO didn’t listen to Kerr… which is a load of horseshit. Dray is now dragging Kerr into it…

    Judging from the KD reaction to how this organization coddles Draymond. I’d say JP may not be the only one unhappy with how the organization “protects” the big 3.

    Especially since Kerr doesn’t like playing young players. I think the frustration grew stronger.

    All that crap has given us a toxic ass atmosphere in the locker room. And we’re just now hearing about all the dirty laundry during the season.

    Makes sense as to “why” everyone looked so disjointed.

  11. Freakscorpio

    That’s literally an answer for us.

  12. SteveGoldenG

    Hello Klay Thompson
    Bye bye Jordan Poole

  13. ABoyNamedButt

    The other day I made a comment about seeing a few reports like this and how it’s got to be a toxic attitude in the locker room that’s detrimental to our team dynamic and someone on here made a smart ass response about me “being in the locker room and they’re so glad I’m reporting on a few misconstrued comments” lol idk how much clearer it can be at this point. Steph has given vague responses to save JP face, dray has, and then dray comes back out and says the punch was because JP was being disrespectful towards Kerr, other players have hinted that the locker room dynamic hasn’t been great this year and implied it had something to do with the younger guys…. Lol I hope you see this u/maxjackson5. Nah I’m not in the locker room but it’s pretty clear players aren’t feeling it.

  14. NeverFake

    If you thought they were gonna be friends after that you’re stupid. JP has every right to say fuck Draymond for life

  15. ImperialTiger3

    I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have both of them on the same team. Barring a miraculous make up, the vibes won’t be good with both of them at odds. Poole probably won’t be able to forgive Dray, which is reasonable.

  16. Tiny_Insurance_490

    Get this guy the fuq out of here

  17. ChewieSkittles53

    a trade for a cheaper back up pg will be ok. i cannot think of a consistent pg that can fit our team tho.

  18. d_lo_ading

    Hot take:

    Both of them cannot leave this team. Under Kerr, I dont think there’s another guy that can be a secondary ball handler on this team that can generate his own shot. Wiggs is a mismatch shot creator, and Klay from what we saw from the lakers cant take shots off the dribble at all. Poole’s literally the only one of the few that plays similar to steph while being also a driving threat. He struggled this postseason, yes. He was ass. But it doesn’t mean we just trade him. His value would be at an all time low anyway.

    To me, steph and klay has to rise up in terms of their leadership. Those two have to try to mend the relationship and keep the team together. If there’s one time that steph has to rise up and speak up after the game 7 speech, it has to be about this situation. Fix this situation, reshape the rest of the roster, and pursue another championship. We’ll talk about selling poole or anyone after the big 3 retires. Literally, Poole is the key to this team because everyone already know what to expect from the big 3 every night and the motion system is becoming more defendable. Poole can’t be traded.

  19. TastyDonutHD

    beyond basketball, poole deserves all the respect in this situation and dray is a fucking cancer that got away with assault on film. he should’ve been shipped out and maybe kuminga woulda played more and jordan would feel more confidence from the support

  20. oops_im_wrong

    Honestly, the more this stuff comes out the more it makes sense why the team felt so off all year. Maybe JP was dogging it but I’m surprised (and respect) that he didn’t make this a bigger deal during the season.

    My crazy theory is maybe Draymond says he wants to be here and it’s contingent on Myers coming back because he knows Kerr and Lacob are not happy with Draymond and have told him they are ready to move on. Myers believes this team can’t win without Draymond and doesn’t want to waste another 2 – 3 years building a team that can’t win. Myers then goes to a mid team like Portland, brings Draymond and creates a new “winning culture” that let’s him draft Bronny and bring in LeBron. /end crazy theory.

    What I’m really hoping is that Draymond sacks up and apologizes to Poole in private and publicly so the team can come back stronger next year. If JP still can’t move on then trade him and let the team lock in for another title run.

  21. flipchinc

    Without JP, we don’t win the championship last season. Give the dude a break, he had a rough post season. He’s young, he will improve and get better. I would keep both JP and Draymond and have them work it out

  22. MixInfamous6818

    Poole has to go. Not because having Draymond is simply better, but because Draymond doesn’t think about that episode as much as Poole. Poole seeing Draymond got punished by being traded might have a false assurance that from now it’s going to be easy life. While in fact, there’s gonna be a silent war between the roster and Poole and in the end Poole’s gonna run away too, so if we trade Draymond, we lose both

  23. DragonEra_

    Poole and Kuminga got drafted into the greatest situation possible and it spoiled them (mostly Kuminga) too quickly. It takes years to learn to play at that championship level – Steph bailed out the entire team last year against Boston.

    They need to humble themselves and continue to learn to play at that championship level consistently, Steph cant carry their weaknesses anymore.

  24. seagorilla415

    Learn grammar dumbass. JP has to go.

  25. berto_8_8

    I pretty sure there is a lot of teammates in pro sports that hate each other. Some get passed that and play at a high level

  26. Jay-Cozier

    I’d keep Dray over JP. What he means for the franchise and the fan base is understated. Plus, I’m just not sold on Poole as the future of the franchise.

    He hasn’t shown the mental toughness or leadership qualities needed to captain a team. His body language is off, and he doesn’t play to his ability on the defensive end (he’s bigger, faster, and younger than Curry, and still is a much worse defender).

    Poole’s highlights are cute, but give me Dray and a tough minded sophomore anyday.

  27. gnarsed

    this MF cost us a chance at a championship. get his ass out of here.


    talking about poole.

  28. Direct_Ad6699

    Trade him. Gonna cost us big time. Sad with Steph drawing all the attention he still can’t make shots. He can’t dribble without losing the ball. Dumb dumb fouls. No defense. Doesn’t even try to play defense. Anything I missed? Oh yeah, bad attitude when shit don’t go his way. Anything else?

  29. RichAf26

    Jordan Poole is an immature little man. I want him off the team so badly. He’s horrible

  30. bananadude19

    Imagine if you were him, or you were on a team where a guy got rocked yet he’s supposed to be one of the top guys. Things will never be the same again. We as fans just like to ignore it because we just wanna see them win. I’ll bet they don’t even talk behind closed doors. How can a team win in that environment?

  31. PCProductions

    At this point in time, how much context do we have over the incident?

    What was going on before the punch? What did JP say? Who provoked whom? Can we conclusively say that JP is absolved of whatever prompted this altercation?

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