@Golden State Warriors

RE: Bill Simmons – Draymond wasn’t being soft on Lebron during games and he brought the same energy he does anywhere else. Here’s an one example

RE: Bill Simmons – Draymond wasn’t being soft on Lebron during games and he brought the same energy he does anywhere else. Here’s an one example

by Vast-Cheetah-3755


  1. yung-dracula

    Bill Simmons is a dork who thinks mind games are somehow more significant to winning than actual on-court performance lmao

  2. GuineaPigeon

    He wasn’t being soft, he was being very hard, as in erect. Before each game he would send him a snapchat. If you know, you know.

  3. Tiny_Insurance_490

    Lol if you think Simmons wasn’t speaking facts. Arguing with the ref about the technicality associated with a travel is not the same energy as wanting to tear the Lakers/lebrons head off like the gladiator we know and love but sure downvote 😂

  4. McJumbos

    Doesn’t fit their narrative… All about the clicks and views

  5. Kedosto

    Anybody who believes Draymond didn’t go hard is delusional. Dray has two settings; hard and harder.

  6. revuhlution

    Dray going hard: swiping at the ball, complaining to refs about a travel.

    Simmons has his head up his ass but this is poor evidence against his point.

  7. Swaggletooth789

    Bill Simmons is still bitter after the finals last year…also he’s not a fan of Draymond being the face of the “new media”

    Draymond called him out for voting a major award last year based on character concerns (I think it was Jalen Green?) instead of basing it strictly on performance and I remember BS being very salty about it at the time.

    Draymond had a point in that these awards do impact earning potential so shouldn’t be based on personal opinions as much as on court play.

  8. typesett

    Drays head games don’t work on Bron and AD

    it works on Sabonis and lesser stars

  9. SyCoTiM

    I thought people were joking about this. Draymond isn’t throwing games on LeBron behalf. Anyone who thinks that is fucking digging for excuses as to why we lost.

  10. thedonjefron69

    As a lakers fan the fact anyone thought he was soft just tells you how fuckin good he is at what he does. Dude is very very very good defensively, nothing is easy with him

  11. AeroLewis

    LeBron plays basketball like he plays american football. Everyone knows it but no one gives a sht.

  12. DonutBoy182

    Lebron too smart, he befriended draymond years ago and it paid off. Draymond wasnt doing his hard fouls, kicking, stomping, getting into lebrons face this series. (Warriors still would of loss even if he did)

  13. buckdancerschoice

    The media is missing out on all that Warriors engagement and wants some of it back.

  14. PomegranateOk7743

    LeBron doesn’t travel and he never misses any shots. The refs know this. The whole league knows this. What’s drey playing at?

  15. NeverFake

    Watching this is just pissing me off, hate how the whole NBA sucks off lebron

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