@National Basketball Association

Dwight Howard offers Ja the chance to play in Taiwan

Dwight on Twitter:

>Aye Ja you gone get it right ! I’m still with you if anyone else ain’t you could come out here to Taiwan if anything 📷 just leave it home


When the Suns got eliminated by the Nuggets, he also tweeted out about the prospect of players going to [Taiwan](

Update: [He has also offered Poole, Randle, Ben Simmons, Klay, Ayton, CP3, KD, and Harden the opportunity to play in Taiwan.](

by lightskinbeaner


  1. ExcitingParsley8310

    “Temetrius takes taiwan” (i trademark this btw)

  2. Straight-Arachnid-34

    LMAO This could be an nbacj post and I wouldn’t question it

  3. Individual-Thought92

    Him, Poole, And ayton would make quite the big 3

  4. AnotherAccount4This

    ChatGPT, are guns illegal in Taiwan?!?

  5. Fate_Unseen

    This man seriously became the #1 recruiter. Missed his calling

  6. farmingbeast

    Morant becomes Mouren (某人 – Random Nobody)

  7. Low_Beyond8134

    Dwight, Dillon Bricks and Ja in Taiwan > MJ, Scottie and Rodman

  8. DLoadingKeanu

    Ja going to be livestreaming himself saying Ni Hao from Taiwanese prison

  9. primera89

    Ja flies over to Taiwan just to shoot Dwight for even posting this on social media

  10. vrkhfkb

    Does Dwight know what the penalty is for carrying guns in Asia 😂???

    There ain’t no 2nd amendment there.

  11. CapBrink

    That should be the suspensions the league office dishes out.

    Sorry, you’ll be playing the next 20 games in…Adam Silver spins the globe and points…Taiwan!

  12. BeefySwan

    Someone check on Dwight, dude sounds lonely lol

  13. Ranjith_Unchained

    Ngl, Ja is down bad…Even getting clowned by pokemon subs

  14. DeadlyGoat

    Dwight trying to recruit everyone to play in Taiwan is my new favorite nba subplot

  15. happyaccident7

    Lakers can use Dwight D on Jokic right now

  16. >Taiwan only allows shotguns, handguns, and regular rifles, and a background check and license are required for all guns.

    We good.

  17. GloryMaelstrom21

    Ja, Dillon, Howard

    The ‘19s Grizzlies gonna dominate there…

  18. 8i66ie5ma115

    Dude wouldn’t last a second in Asia with their stringent laws.

  19. nonamesleftadmin

    He should get traded to russia for cash considerations

  20. soul_attractor

    “Nah, I’m fine in the Mainland”

  21. pestosbetter

    Lmao he’d be a megastar playing out there

  22. IJustGotRektSon

    The biggest help Ja can get to get over this idea of acting like a gangster for clout is being clowned by literally every single person who follows ball. Even players and former players, but also your random Twitter no name users. None of that support or suspension and breathing technique crap will do anything because he thinks the stuff he does is cool, by showing him how much of a clown everyone thinks he is… Well

  23. accountlikeapistol

    Dwight Howard is a first-ballot HOF jerker.

  24. collapse1122

    puerto rico is where he should go, form a big two with cousins .

  25. CaptainKursk

    Honestly, Taiwan is balling: great weather, fantastic food, nice people and easy access to the rest of Asia to travel.

  26. doordaesh

    gonna deploy ja to defend the strait of Taiwan

  27. Taiwan is amazing though, great cafe great food, trees, beaches, rock, very safe & friendly. Dwight is having the time of his life

  28. Lmnolmnop

    I bet Dwight is getting more action off the court than on, lmao.

  29. I don’t think Taiwan allows you to own firearms though

  30. CraigOfWar

    What if Ja a real killer pretending to be an NBA player. Anyone ever thought of that?

  31. cucucururiwa

    I wonder if the league is secretly against recruiting for Taiwan. China is a big market for the NBA.

  32. SomeManagement808

    This the same dude that just had to issue an apology video to China cuz he called Taiwan a county. Has no shame.

  33. YounggKNG

    This fool. He’s drowning in so much Chinese kitty that he just can’t help but speak out.

  34. RatLord445

    Lmao dwight is fucking living his best life out there and it’s amazing, im super happy for the dude

  35. BoldAsAnAxis

    I love how even though his tweet was well intended, it’s gonna become copypasta for any superstar who fucks up or severely underperforms from now on lol

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