@Memphis Grizzlies

Shannon Sharpe Totally Obliterates Ja Morant After Being Suspended By The Grizzlies Again

Shannon Sharpe Totally Obliterates Ja Morant After Being Suspended By The Grizzlies Again. This is what we’ll be talking about in today’s episode of The Dreamerspro Show. Enjoy, and let us know your thoughts!

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  1. I know his homie was holding the camera, but he put it down the INSTANT Ja flashed the gun.. it was fast as hell.. I think his homie was under the impression that Ja wouldn’t be crazy enough to actually show it. He was more aware than Ja was

  2. Ja Morant is a young man. It’s a new era out here. I trust myself first. Not the security every time. I believe he has the right to carry. We live in the south. All these mass shooting. Crazy’s everywhere! Y’all need to calm down on the young guy. We live in different times where congress doesn’t pass bills to save all lives. Carry on Ja. Jory

  3. Another issue is people now know he basically stay with a pistol on him. Some people live to make a name for themselves and they will try someone knowing they can claim Ja was carrying.

  4. Somewhere Kobe is shaking his head up there at all these GenZ wanksters today not focusing on their job.

  5. When Shannon said, "…Fox is gonna have a problem," an ad came on and said, 'I have a problem…" without missing a beat.

  6. It’s like weed being legal in a state, but employers still drug testing for it. Even though it’s legal, the employer is a private entity with their own guidelines and rules

  7. Did Charles even watch the IG live!? Or just want someone to blame? How did the guy "rat" on JA? Because it seems the guy was trying to protect that fool.😒

  8. I have seen the Second Amendment comments on every platform, and I feel like people are confusing politics and policy. He is violating the code of conduct of the National Basketball Association, period. The problem isn’t that he owns a gun. Some people will make any excuse to bring up politics.

  9. I'm a huge supporter of the 2nd amendment. But you have to be responsible when you carry.

    I'm very permissive about things like firearms and speech, but if I was the owner, I'd suspend him too. Before I'd allow him to rejoin the team, I'd make him go to some kind of counseling for a realistic amount of time, and also attend and pass a firearm safety course.

  10. Do people realize that the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want to do with your gun in public?

  11. Is Aja trying to find his masculinity with having a gun? Is he that much of a b*tch that he scared to throw hands with another man? Y’all need to really dig deeper as to why he is pretending. What else is he pretending about?

  12. The Point is, these young guys , especially under 30, have Zero Common Sense, Zero. Thats the answer and problem. Ja Morant should be banned from the NBA and contract voided. Thats it. He is a disgrace to the league and Memphis Grizzlies organization. Period

  13. I hope Ja is banned for life from the NBA and he loses all his money. Let him live his life he wants, but he don’t belong in the NBA. His life is over and he deserves everything coming to him

  14. man, i love Ja but he is a dumb@%%.

    the league told you not to do this again, the fans forgave you last time. come on.

    if you want to play guns, do it like Karl Malone: hunting, legit usage and sports-friendly.

  15. Yo I gotta defend his friend in this case. When you watch the video you see him and Ja bouncing and Ja leans forward for the cam to catch him. Than he leans back while his friend continues to film and while his friend was looking in the camera Ja must have pulled out the gun. His friend turns the camera on Ja and then looks at him and sees that Ja is holding a gun.
    I particularly paid attention to this bc of your yesterday's video.
    Ja did this to himself. Unfortunately. From now on I'll just call him Ja Moron.

  16. @dreamerspro I think u wrong about the friend that went live because as soon as he saw that he cut the live off is all I'm saying

  17. remember the fam wearin redemption shirts when mr aaron hernandez was comin bac frum 'therapy'. make a tombstone 4 mr 2 shot because he was way happi 2 lose 2 LEpolitics an posse so be could get bac 2 resumin his gangster lyfestyle. duc this dude.😐😐

  18. I honestly thought this channel was going to be about actual basketball analysis, breaking down plays and strategy from teams. But I am realizing my dude only does reactions to things said by the dumbasses I stopped watching like Shannon Sharpe and the other mainstream dummies. No shade tho. Can't knock a man with this many subs.

  19. Ja Morant has clear psychological problems. Probably very serious. Nick Wright jokingly said that David Stern would send him to Utah. He is right. You have to hospitalize and then send to Utah. He also seems to be addicted to some substance. The NBA can't just think about punishing him now. Punishment needs to happen, but first of all, they need to discover his psychological problem and treat it. Because at the end of the day, he's a talent and millions have been invested in him. Another concern is that Ja Morant has a child at home. And this is very disturbing given the emotional and psychological imbalance he has been demonstrating.

  20. Let's not blame the friend now. The friend showed ja twice. First one, no gun. Second, gun. The friend tried to hide it as fast as possible.

  21. It’s you that doesn’t actually understand the argument. Yes, we agree that he is a doofus for doing it again when he knows good and well what is going to happen. The only push back is that it’s a ridiculous (and arguably a violation of rights) rule that he can’t show a firearm in a video. Ja might as well have shot someone the way some of y’all are acting. Stop with the dramatics – it comes across as phony and manipulative.

  22. The time for kid gloves has been passed. People don’t really change until you make it hurt. His punishment has to be substantial. Not some little rehab that he doesn’t care about, believe in, or understand. That bank account needs to get hit, and hard. That court time needs to disappear for at LEAST half a season, a full season is really appropriate. You see, you have to make the consequences so unpalatable that almost no one will push that line.

    Baseball actually does it right with how they sit guys down for half seasons and full seasons when they make severe mistakes, I.e., doping/sexual assault etc. All these guys saying “oh, I did dumb things when I was young too”. They’re crazy. Ja had his warning, fake apologized and then did it again. Y’all know he’s done this even more, he just got caught this time…again!

    You remember when you acted up and mama or daddy paddled that ass when you got home? You didn’t do that sh*t no more! That’s what Ja needs, metaphorically speaking.

  23. Even Gilbert arenas 2 days ago gave Ja Morant on his show the blueprint of a comeback and lo and behold the downfall is deep

  24. Sorry, Charles, your "that's why i don't like politics" is a little bit over the top, i guess. Why not discussing the 2nd amandment in this case?
    2nd amandment thing is not a "politics"- issue at first in this case imO; it is all about arguments. Why not discuss it?
    If you discuss 2nd amandment in terms of job contracts, the right to carry and show guns outside of your job can be regulated in those contracts by implementing moral/behaviour clauses into the contract obviously. If a player agree to those clauses, 2nd amandment doesn't protect you in terms of your job if you flash a gun in public. Your job is at stake, if you violate these clauses as an employee and as a representative of your boss. You can get fired. Same thing, if you agree to confidential clauses in other jobs. If you violate these clauses, you can't refer to freedom of speech either and you can get fired as well. This is quite simple and this isn't a "politics"-issue.

  25. Two years ago I was a little worried about the grizzlies potential to take over the west , not anymore, they run a clown college over there

  26. How old are you 12⁉️ so immature he totally obliterates……… who talks like that? who the hell says totally⁉️ and who the hell says obliterates⁉️ grow up

  27. The only opinions I think are relevant are Gilbert Arenas and Plaxico Burress. 2 professional athletes who destroyed their careers over a gun.

    Everyone else, their opinions aren't relevant.

  28. Ja at Memphis thinking he Yo Gotti And Young Dolph 🐬🤦🏽‍♂️😒 a street rapper and not a baller

  29. As they say birds 🦢 of a feather flock together his friends really ain’t friends well said Charles he has a horrible friend group and it’s adding to his downfall

  30. This is why you have to be very careful picking friends. Ja really needs to get new friends because what he has around him right now is going to sink him.

  31. You are dead right about the 2nd amendment argument, its pretty unique in that it is used as an anchor point for dozens of logical fallacies in political discourse, it burns me up how malleable the public is on that stuff, congrats on the record live stream btw❤️

  32. my grandmother used to say all the time bad things don’t just suddenly happen you get warnings. Ja Morant had his warning with that strip club nonsense. He only lost out on 30+ million dollars for not being on an all NBA team I hope the void his $200 million contract simply to send a message to people in his age bracket..

  33. Did you watch the video? Cause his friend in no way intentionally had him on camera to get ja caught up. Clout chase sure. But Ja got himself here by LITERALLY putting the gun in the camera view after it wasn’t in view at all.

  34. Ja should just be who he is and makes his desired career change and join a gang and be an enforcer. Pursue his dreams…. It is who he is.

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