@Oklahoma City Thunder

Past MVPs regular season vs playoffs PPG

Inspired by the recent stat showing Embiid’s unprecedented drop-off from the regular season to the playoffs in PPG (-9.4) – the biggest in NBA history – I decided to check out how some of the past MVPs have performed in the transition from the regular season to the playoffs.

Jokić with the increase, Westbrook looking like an animal. Surprisingly, Giannis fell off in his MVP seasons.

Graph image link:


by Huzi61096


  1. vinifalcon

    Russ had the best MVP season ever and Embiid cried his way into a MVP

  2. HeisenMickey69

    That’s what happens when you’re second leading scorer is Andre Roberson 😂

  3. leredditmaymays

    I have a feeling we would not want to see this graph with FG% 🫣

  4. thetrain23

    Honestly the weirdest part of this chart is realizing how few of these guys won rings in their MVP seasons.

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