@Brooklyn Nets

Everything in this Netsdaily article is true …

The Nets should deal Bridges for a haul …

by GiantTacoSalad


  1. Kogie13

    Yes. Let’s trade Bridges away and rebuild without owning our picks and having to rely on other teams sucking /s

  2. just_so_irrelevant

    I’m open to trading Mikal for the right package but trading Claxton? The guy who put himself in the DPOY race at age 24? Yeah I’m good. The man hasnt even reached his full potential yet. Claxton is literally the perfect player for the Nets current roadmap. Trading a young talented center who is just starting to break out when the Nets ALREADY struggle with rebounding would be stupid.

  3. BKtoDuval

    I’m not sure I agree with all this. One thing I will say about Marks’ trade history is he doesn’t usually makes panic moves. We trudged through some miserable years hoping for a quick fix, and he kept talking about not going for the home run but singles. It paid off in the long term. So I trust he’s not going to panic and empty out the war chest for a win-now move.

    He also doesn’t seem to necessarily have sentimental attachments. A couple days after Brook Lopez broke our scoring record, we all thought he’d be back and Marks traded him right away. Jeremy Lin was rehabbing and even recruiting players for the team, and Marks traded him. He said he was stunned. It seemed cold blooded at the time. Was willing to let Dinwiddie walk. Dinwiddie even said he felt hurt by it. So if the right deal comes along, I don’t think he wouldn’t pull the trigger. That rumored Memphis deal, yeah, you get four late rounders that you hope can land you a player like Mikal. Why not keep him, especially a good value contract?

    Also, why in the world would Portland trade the third pick? It’s not like they’re one player away from contention. They need a rebuild worse than us. So I don’t see any situation where they’d trade us their third pick.

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