@Boston Celtics

[AMA] I’m Adam Himmelsbach, a sports reporter for The Boston Globe. Ask me anything about the Celtics and my coverage of the team.

Bio: I joined the Globe in 2015 and have been covering the Celtics since then. A graduate of Syracuse University, I previously spent two years as a columnist at the Louisville Courier-Journal, and six years as a Washington-based contributor for The New York Times.

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by bostonglobe


  1. roborean

    From u/jickoryjake: Hi Adam! Which player’s off-camera personality do you think is most different from their on-camera personality? What would be some surprising anecdotes or facts you’ve learned about any of our players?

  2. roborean

    From u/SyedSarwar: Hi Adam! Where would you put the game 7 performance from Tatum on Sunday amongst all the performances you’ve seen in the garden?

  3. roborean

    From u/cnlapointe: Hi Adam! Curious to know what you think about the differences between the Sixers roster composition vs. the Heat and how it’ll affect rotations. Not sure a 7 man rotation is tenable the rest of the way, who do you think is most likely to get some run? Hauser? Pritchard? Thanks!

  4. roborean

    From u/TatumBrownSmart: Hey Adam, being around the players as long as you have, what do you think the players think about the fans and playing here in Boston? Obviously everything’s great when the team is winning, but there is a large segment of the fan base that has been incredibly negative and pessimistic about the team, its prospects going forward, and the general (stupid ass in my opinion) fixation with “rings or bust” and the whole “we’ll love you when you win a ring” attitude.

  5. roborean

    u/JaylenBrownFlow: Would you stay with the double big lineup? Or would you go back to derrick white in the starting lineup?

  6. roborean

    From u/efshoemaker: The interview scrums at practices look like a warzone for reporters with everyone trying to jump in with their question the second the player finishes his answer. Is it as much of a free-for-all for the reporters as it looks, or is there an etiquette or set of unwritten rules that determine who gets to ask the next question? Also, how does the beat handle it if there’s one reporter that’s being a dick about everything and not waiting their turn?

  7. roborean

    From u/Haunting-Emu3888: Yo Adam! What are your thoughts on the WCF this season? Preferred matchup if the Celtics were to advance?

  8. roborean

    From u/PoiZoNxo: Good evening. What are the Celtics plans this offseason?

  9. roborean

    From u/nerdyykidd: Gut feeling on the likelihood Horford hangs it up after the season if we win it all?

  10. roborean

    From u/burninworm5150: Hey Adam, any sense of what the Celtics plans are for Galinari going forward? I’m assuming that a return this season is out of the question, or is it? Follow-up – who do you see as a potential free agent to deepen the 5 spot this off-season, assuming Blake doesn’t come back.

  11. roborean

    u/Suzoku: Interesting locker room dynamics or funny moments that ain’t well-known?

  12. roborean

    u/TheGreatScalabrine: Excluding the 2008 team and the current roster, what has been your favorite Celtics team to watch / be around during your time covering the Celtics

  13. roborean

    u/Wolfshadow902: Hey Adam! Obviously one of Boston’s mottos is “beat la” are you hoping the lakers lose in the conference finals or would your rather face and beat them in the finals?

  14. enjoime33

    Who do you see picking up Jimmy Butler in full court transition sets? I would assume Jaylen will play him when he has the ball in his hands, and the team will work to switch Marcus onto him when he plays off ball. What are your thoughts on Rob guarding KLove who can space the floor from the corner and set excellent screens in the high PnR

  15. donttradejaylen

    Hi Adam. Please rate my username on a scale of 1 to 10. Thanks.

  16. notJGatz

    Hi Adam! Was is your career goal from the start to cover the Celtics? If not, what were your dream careers (or dream teams) as a writer before you landed your gig with the Globe?

  17. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    From what little you’ve seen in practice what’s the vibe around the celtics going into game 1? Also is it harder or easier to find information in the Brad era vs Ainge era?

  18. Hey Adam. Can you expand on Smarts post game interview after game 6 where he called out Joe a handful of times, saying things like he’s still learning and he’s been rightfully criticized? It seemed divisive and out of pocket at the time. Was this an exaggeration by Smart or have players been skeptical of Joe’s coaching and rotations?

  19. fakejakebrowne

    Thanks for taking some time to do this, Adam. How can the C’s get Robert Williams involved more in the offense this series? I’m guessing the Heat challenge anyone other than the J’s to beat them. It seems like he could be a nice lob threat off a double team but I feel like they only really look to him a few times per game.

  20. One_Resolution_5155

    How much control does John Henry exert over what gets published

  21. RisherdMarglus

    Last year, the Heat took the Celtics to 7 games in the ECF. What is the best reason that they will again and the best reason they won’t (from a Celtics perspective)?

  22. To what degree does the noise and bipolar behavior of the fans impact and get to the players?

  23. Infamous-Ride4270

    Who are some of the non-players, non-coaches who have made a significant impact on the team’s performance this year?

    Is there one player (and name names) you could beat in a dance-off?

  24. PebblyJackGlasscock

    With the CBA changes and All-NBA selections made, the Jaylen and Jayson contracts are set.

    Can Wyc afford them both? And the other pieces needed to win titles?

  25. babysheep401

    Any updates on Yam Madar and Juhann Begarin? When is their ETA to the NBA?

  26. SouthernUpstate

    Hey Adam! It was rumored that many teams became unwilling to work with danny on trades by the end of his tenure because of his reputation for either getting the best of other teams, or only proposing one sided trades. Do you think other teams hold that against Brad? Or is Brad being treated with the benefit of the doubt by other execs?

  27. SaintsNick94

    What is your sense on Grant’s contract value and do you think we bring him back?

  28. 1337speak

    Hi Adam! Of your work, what is your favorite article/story and why?

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