@Golden State Warriors

[Spears] Warriors vice president of basketball operations Mike Dunleavy, Jr., represented the franchise at the NBA General Manager meetings yesterday, sources said. Warriors GM Bob Myers did not attend.

[Spears] Warriors vice president of basketball operations Mike Dunleavy, Jr., represented the franchise at the NBA General Manager meetings yesterday, sources said. Warriors GM Bob Myers did not attend.

by NokCha_


  1. YokoOkino

    probably still thinking it over but definitely leaving it open to him leaving

  2. billymartinkicksdirt

    So then it becomes Dunleavy was already doing the job anyway and Bob doesnā€™t want to yank it.

    Lacob needs to offer him a promotion like Giants and Aā€™s did their general managers. Make up a title and let him work as much or little as he wants. They could add in bonuses to keep him interested in the team but give him room to delegate.

  3. Dinshiddie

    This next month is a huge time for this franchise, and our GM is wandering the proverbial desert contemplating what he wants to do with his life. Trade scenarios, draft analysis, the combine, free agent analysis, new CBA rules, tax implications, key player extensions, and list goes on. There is a lot to do in short period of time for us to have a great off-season to extend the window for championship contention. A good leader would be decisive in this situation about whether you’re returning to the team as the GM. I like Bob. He’s been a great GM, but with all due respect, shit or get off the pot my guy. Jump in and help out or get out of the way. It’s go time. This is the GM season, right now.

  4. Curiosity_Sparked

    Not surprising, this is what it always seemed like. Bob really doesnā€™t have a decision yet.

  5. North_Street_8547

    If he leaves do you think it was all the drama this season that did it?

  6. SeekingSignificance

    Possible casual question, but does Bob leaving really impact us as much as people are acting like it does? I mean it sucks due to what a good relationship he has with our core and Kerr, but it’s not like we were going to make any huge trades or singings anytime soon.

  7. gnarsed

    my guess is he doesnā€™t want to deal with trading or not signing klay or draymond

  8. BigHero17

    We selected him 3rd overall to be GM one day. Light-years ahead!

  9. Djjettison88

    I do not want Mike Dunleavy Jr to take over for Bob. Thereā€™s something about him, Iā€™m just not onboard with or trust about him. I have a feeling heā€™s gonna be the guy who takes over though.

  10. BobRoss4Life

    Damn, gonna be sad to see Myers walk

  11. peepeedog

    Anyone else think this whole thing is related to the two timelines? I feel Lacob forced that on him, and they may not see eye to eye on it going forward.

  12. hellahomebody

    I hope Lacob can offer Bob some sort of advisory role to at least still be apart of the organization.

  13. Manning88

    Writing is on the wall. Looking forward to all the ‘Wiseman’ like picks going forward.

  14. ImperialTiger3

    Well, duh. Bobā€™s contract is expiring and he doesnā€™t know if he wants to resign just yet. Thatā€™s like asking a James Harden, whose contract is expiring (assuming he declines PO), to come to practice even though he doesnā€™t know if he wants to return.

  15. untouchable765

    Any rule that says we can’t have co-GMs if that gives Bob more time with his family so he can split the responsibilities?

  16. nghbrhd_slackr87

    Damn let the dude take a break he’s been grinding for a decade.

  17. Prestigious-Bit-7406

    Good guy Bob needs to put together a compilation of Klanks and Fucks up of Dray and show it to both. And ask them how much they’re worth. Reduce that amount by 50%.

  18. figpotato

    If he doesn’t see himself sticking around for 5-10 years, Bob should leave at the top. It’s all downhill from here and his legacy is unimpeachable.

  19. ViciousTruth

    Am I wrong, or didnt Jerry West scout and Draft Curry, Thompson, Draymond?

  20. Anybody associate Dunleavy with the shit teams we had and not excited for him as a GM?

  21. Grafaap

    I guess its better than Lacobs kids.. sigh

  22. drewdontcare

    Heā€™s not leavingā€¦.the report was he was in Chicago and that tons of GMs donā€™t go to these meetings . Myers will be back

  23. Mattyboy33

    Bob has already been offered multiple contracts that would make him the highest paid gm in the league. He is thinking about retiring to spend more time with his family is what some sources have said

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