@Houston Rockets

[Gatlin] “The Houston #Rockets have long been a rumored destination, but sources say Harden will only entertain suitors that present a competitive roster and the basketball freedom for the star to be himself, sources say.”

[Gatlin] “The Houston #Rockets have long been a rumored destination, but sources say Harden will only entertain suitors that present a competitive roster and the basketball freedom for the star to be himself, sources say.”

by ST012Mi


  1. ST012Mi

    Blessing in disguise?

    He lost me at “basketball freedom.”

  2. thefreedomjourney

    bro what is happening over the lass 24 hours. i’m not saying this is bad, but the off-season I envisioned is so much different than what is happening 💀

  3. guapmuffin

    I’m down with this scenario

    Saved from making a fatal cap mistake. Likely have pick 4 but have options to go after 2 and 3

    Squad hungry as hell so we right where we need to be

  4. KDs_FakeAccount

    Wemby and Harden was always a package deal.

    It’s time to have a convo about bringing CP3 back, and it would help James get to Phoenix to try the big 3 with him, Book, and KD. Maybe a Cap nerd can figure out the logistics, but I think we can trade for CP3 with our cap space and that may open a max slot if for Suns to sign harden?

    CP3 could provide us 25 mins a night of solid pg play, while Amen develops. He Gives us a chance to be in the Play in tournament and get our young guys valuable experience. It’s essentially a one year deal since the next year his contract is non guaranteed

  5. Marine-Biol-George

    Please just leave us alone asshole. Having the 4th pick is tough enough. We will be back on top it just might take us a little longer but we will win and win with players that love our city and treat fans right.

  6. Forward42

    Everyone hang on….it’s going to be a long summer

  7. AdmirableRise3758

    Double it and give it to the next person

  8. __john_cena__

    I’m cool without Harden at this point. Let the offense run through Sengun and, if we draft him, Thompson while Green, Jabari and Tari get their shots and touches.

    I’d rather let them develop through any growing pains while getting the necessary touches to do so, a vet who needs the ball would only stop that.

  9. conker1264

    Competitive roster? Welp shit out of luck there

  10. Few_Mulberry5372

    FOH lmao

    Have fun paying Harden 50 mil at 38 Philly!

  11. thirdc0ast

    I wanted Harden if we got Wemby but now I’d just rather go Amen and hope Ime can develop all the young guys.

    Excited to be a perennial play-in team for the next 5-6 years. 🙃

  12. Man, I just want to get a solid point guard and some good vets who can defend and shoot. Maybe even a backup 5 who can shotblock. Is that so much to ask?

  13. Tactical_Tubesock

    I wonder how a competitive roster will help Harden overcome his fantastic attributes, like choking in the playoffs and half assed defense so late of his career though…

  14. Fine. I love Harden but I am not giving him a max 4 year contract. I want to remember him as an explosive one army offense and not as a washed up version being paid to much.
    Also I don’t think he is exactly the type of leader the young guys needs.

  15. Laladen

    Love Harden and I want his #13 retired. But the brand of basketball we are looking to play doesn’t suit him and we need to move on. Our $ and assets are better spent elsewhere.

    Now with Wemby, it might have been a better fit. But that was not meant to be.

  16. PrettyInPInkDame

    Those two things are impossible

  17. antipoopsuperstar

    I only want Harden back if he stops whatever it is he’s doing with his hair. He looks bald from the front. Get that mohawk back.

  18. wgel1000

    So not getting Wemby saved us from wasting money with Harden?

    Losing the french kid was not all bad then.

  19. diddlesmagoo

    Basketball freedom also means not participating in all team commitments. Flying to clubs in between games, etc.

    This would be a culture killer for a group of 20 year olds.

    I don’t want harden if he volunteered his time at this point.

  20. glevy106

    It’s been obvious he was using us as leverage

  21. Uncleruckous

    Aka “yall aint getting wemby? My b nevermind.”


    Love Harden, a month ago I was all in, but at this point ima have to pass. Still hope he can come back for the last year or two of his career.

  23. Sufficient_Mess_3444

    That should rule us out then lol

  24. endangeredbathsoap

    Y’all being choking on hardens dick just like he chokes in the playoffs

  25. ChiefKingSosa

    So basically he was only interested if we got Wemby

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