@Boston Celtics

Miami scored 46 third quarter points and the Celts never called a timeout. The Celts went on a 7-0 run to start the 4Q and Spo called a timeout 94 seconds in.

Miami scored 46 third quarter points and the Celts never called a timeout. The Celts went on a 7-0 run to start the 4Q and Spo called a timeout 94 seconds in.

by Wonderful-Fennel-814


  1. Brad-Stevens

    ah, I see the timeout bros are back since we lost

  2. Mortona89

    This pretty much sums it up.

    Well done, sir.

  3. Same shit happened under Ime but people wanna put the blame on Joe.

  4. bradyisking

    Bottom 5 coach in the league. Brad fucked the franchise tying us to this guy. I’ve screamed it all year, if we win a title, it’s in spite of him not because

  5. 1337speak

    simply unacceptable. it’s not edgy Joe.

  6. ChickenWhiskers

    Absolutely not a “Fuck Joe” guy, but absolutely fuck Joe for this one. I mean come on, Joseph.

  7. gberetta8892

    BINGO. Spo is smart Joe isn’t. It’s clear as day

  8. Ear_Enthusiast

    Shit like this and playing Pritchard. No excuse at all.

  9. neostalgiac

    Spo > Joe doesn’t mean Joe sucks I don’t even like Joe that much but I feel like I’m out here defending this mf for no reason

  10. Suitable-Classic9237

    I might go be a NBA coach cause if you get paid millions of bucks to do ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING WHEN YOURE ACTUALLY NEEDED…. I’m your guy.

  11. fakejakebrowne

    Whoa whoa whoa. I know it was rough, but we’re posting Simmons tweets now?

  12. PoloBeeBeeQ

    Joe hoards timeouts the way Danny Ainge hoarded picks.

  13. Doncriminal

    I keep trying to make sense of why he played Pritchard and I have a feeling it was for defensive purposes, which scares me. He didn’t play a meaningful minute in the first 2 rounds, so he couldn’t have been relying on him as an offensive spark.

  14. NeoEsun

    I think Mazzulla does not make play-by-play adjustments. He executes what is planned pre-game or during halftime. He is the type of coach who just uses timeouts to let the players rest, gain composure, and remind players of the plan.

    On the otherhand, Spoelstra make adjustments depending on the play. He uses timeouts to stop opponent momentum and execute after timeout plays.

  15. xslaughteredx

    The difference between a real coach and a assistant, sometimes doing the simple and obvious thing its the most difficult for some people…

  16. BowserBuddy123

    Heat fan here. Sorry for intruding, but legit question. Wtf happened to Grant in your lineups? I would have loved Grant as a pickup at the trade deadline instead of Love, but lord knows that wouldn’t have happened and we didn’t have anything to make it work. He seems to have “that dawg inside of him,” so wtf? Thanks.

    Also, idk if Joe is a redditor, but our average starter height is like 6’5” or so, so maybe Coach to your strength and make that work? Fuck.

  17. Endoftheline-Slut

    Fire him even if the Celtics sweep in the Finals. Bet on your franchise, Brad. Bet that Joe Mazzulla won’t win another championship in his career

  18. Tunatron_Prime

    Joe giving off real Joseph vibes with this game

  19. Raisins1

    Because the celtics suck

    Edit : thought this was r/nba idk why my page has this shitty team on it, fuck the celtics.

  20. Drawing_The_Line

    It’s because Joe wouldn’t know what to even say besides clapping or saying he loves them. He’s not an X’s and O’s guy. And his bench coaches apparently don’t know know either now that their ranks have been purged. He’s a motivator. “Keep it up… got to hustle more… don’t give in” etc., and that doesn’t really work against a smart coach like Spo who can make tactical adjustments on the fly. This is Wyc and Brad’s decision making coming home to roost. Perhaps another screening of The Town might help? /s

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