@Denver Nuggets

Scott Hastings Says Nikola Jokic Might Already Be The Best Nuggets Player Ever | 05/17/23

Denver Nuggets TV analyst Scott Hastings joins the Dan Patrick Show and describes the type of game and skills Nikola Jokic has


  1. is the sky blue? of course jokic is the best nugget already. no disrespect to english, thompson, issel, anthony but it is a slam dunk.

  2. Alex English, David Thompson, Dan Issel, Fat Lever, Carmelo Anthony. All of them have massive flaws and none were ever in the conversation for best player in the world.

  3. Lol, isn't it funny that Nat'l Media Types like Dan still just can't give Joker a true compliment, and instead still have to make it a backhanded one? (2:30) Of course Joker has amazing highlights… jeez!

  4. He is and it's not even close and if he wins a title or 2 there, they could paint his name on their court before he even retires

  5. Scottie got jokes lol. Nice job, Captain Obvious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸƒβš’οΈβ€οΈβ€πŸ”₯

  6. Nikola is great. But I see lack of depth on Nuggets and most teams these days. Is it because of salary cap? I remember Pistons championship level teams going 10 deep a lot of nites. It’s still a team game. Hype doesn’t give you a ring.

  7. Jokic is the greatest Denver player ever. English and Melo were just scorers.

  8. Scott Hastings keeping it real with the studio mic on camera and the laptop mic audio.

  9. Jokic is clearly already the best Nugget ever. He could easily end up being the best player in the history of Denver sports, even over guys like Sakic and Elway

  10. Scott Hastings autographed my basketball when I was a kid and he was playing for the Detroit Pistons. I interrupted him during a broadcast, he was irritated by that but he still smiled at me and signed my basketball. I’m sorry about that but Detroit Pistons Bad Boys era are my favorite roster so I was excited about seeing a Piston. I still am to be honest. Pistons, Hulk Hogan, Arnold, Tom Cruise, and Russell Crowe are my favorites. I’m still grateful that he gave me a special memory to reflect upon from time to time.

  11. Jokic has great fundamental skills, he does whatever it takes to position his team to a victory. I hope the Nuggets make it to the Finals. I want to see Jokic make it to the Finals. He is a good upstanding player on and off the court that deserves a huge endorsement push for a top selling signature sneaker, the works. Jokic can be the face of NBA if commissioner Silver stops favoring this successful guy that’s already a billionaire with numerous championships soaking up all of the media glory from the young talent and flopping , it’s sad that Jokic has to compete against that. Silver has definitely been holding him and the Nuggets back

  12. According to me, in this series against the Lakers, only great games by Jokić will not be enough, 1 or 2 more players will have to help more in order to overcome the Lakers.

  13. … this isnt debatable, his career will end somewhere between top 10-50 all time player. If it hadn't been for jamal and mpj's injuries we might be on a 2nd/3rd finals run right now- and this time period basically made it so he can never get in the GOAT conversation (not to mention.. it taking a few years before we even committed to him since he was a 2nd round pick playing behind Nurk). if we can tear of a few larry obrien trophies, we might be talking about joker in the top 10-20 player area. IMO his SKILL LEVEL overall, he is the actual GOAT. His touch, shooting, (of course) passing, bball iq, rebounding, and ability to control the game are in that same stratosphere as Lebron. Not to mention that his defense is great BECAUSE of his rebounding- and when he doesnt have to do literally everything on offense and can save SOME energy for defense, he's great on that end too

  14. Been a Nuggets fan since I saw Spencer Haywood take a pass on one side of the basket sail under the basket and two hand jam over his head on the other side. My young eyes had seen nothing like it. So wish David Thompson would have grown into his greatness. But, yes, Jokic is the greatest. Wishing a long career and many championships

  15. That is a very silly statement, we are talking about him been the best center ever.

  16. I thought that was decided when Alex English Tweeted like three years ago that Jok was the greatest Nugget ever. Love listening to Scott on Nuggets broadcasts but he is a little late to this party.

  17. Calling Jokic the best Nuggets player ever is like declaring that water is wet.

    Calling Jokic the best to ever play the game PERIOD is a point worth discussing.

  18. I'll take it a step further. I think Jokic is the best player on this current Nuggets team. There, I said it. Let the criticisms begin. .o

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