@Houston Rockets

Did the Houston Texans or the Houston Rockets have the worse draft failure!?

Did the Houston Texans or the Houston Rockets have the worse draft failure? ESPN Houston’s Jake Asman, Cody Stoots, and Brad Kellner discuss on The Wheelhouse…

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  1. Definitely the rockets as of now. It depends on how the actual draft pans out tho

  2. The Rockets ending up #4 is by FAR worse than the Texans blowing the #1 overall pick. Texans still ended up with the better QB in Stroud. Rockets are in no man's land in the NBA draft, and BONUS their division rivals end up with the #1 overall pick. It's just the worst possible outcome.

  3. NeXT segment should be about how we demonize Lovie smith for losing us the number 1 pick but this time next year we’ll praise him for getting us the number 2 pick. We were forced to draft the best qb for this team.

  4. Tbh there a chance it was a blessing to win last game. You don't get shroud or anderson if we lose it after all.

  5. Some of these clickbait captions yall have are terrible. The Texans got Stroud and WSJ, what the hell is the “failure” in that??

  6. The Rockets are paying for the sins of our past I guess from the 1984 Hakeem draft. The lottery system was implemented, because other teams accused the Rockets of tanking.

  7. The Rockets and it's not close. I am looking forward to the upcoming Texans season far more than I am the Rockets next season.

  8. Wait just a minute. How can you guys say that the Rockets have had it worse when A) They haven’t drafted yet and B) It would’ve been a whole lot worse if the pick had been six. This is why I hardly trust the local media. It’s one thing when the main streamers criticize and they get proven wrong eventually. It’s another thing when it comes from the locals who make the fans and city feel worse then they should. The Rockets will figure it out. Anyone that feels otherwise should leave and don’t come back when they start winning.

  9. What are you doing? Texans didnt need to he included with the Rockets. Bryce Young isnt a generational talent most likely.

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