@Philadelphia 76ers



by PessimistSixersFan


  1. dabigchina

    Even the Brits are circle jerking us now.

  2. Hay-blinken

    Seems overwrought. You never know what’s going to happen. Sometimes a new coach and a few tweaks can get a team over the hump. I still like watching regular season as well, so I like when the team wins more than it loses.

  3. dotheyoweusaliving1

    It’s controversial and it would be painful, but this is the best time to blow it up. The only I hope I have is is not re-signing Harden and shooting for the 2024 free agency, but even that’s letting Embiid get 2 years older to truly compete.

    I remember how bad I wished we had hired Sam hinkie earlier before we traded a bunch of assets for Bynum. The process would’ve gone a little smoother. If we extend Harden and let Embiid get old by the time we’re looking to rebuild maxey will be our only valuable asset.

  4. TryingToForget77

    Lol. What? So much overreaction around here.

  5. Meepsnort

    There is no ideal way to go here. Nothing really inspires a lot of confidence. They just have to pick a strategy and do their best.

  6. New_Inevitable9727

    The sixers wont because they arent a smart organization. They will continue to string along the suckers who will show up by selling “hope” in the guise of minute changes. Always “one piece away” the for the next 5 years.

    The Sixers cant afford a teardown because of how much money they lost during the Process and the fact that they would be entirely irrelevant 12 months a year in this city instead of 10 which is what they are right now

  7. HoagieTwoFace

    There are No thoughts with this article.

  8. People are saying the article is an over-reaction but about 90% of this sub has been calling for Embiid to be traded so which is it? Make up your minds

  9. Mustyitis

    You guys put much stock into what the media is vomiting out right now. Emotions are high after a tough-ending to the season. But we’re overreacting as a fan base.

  10. TnT54321

    Let’s start over boys! I’m done with this mediocre team

  11. Knight725

    they should blow it up but ownership will never let them. harris just wants the franchise to coast under the luxury tax getting first round exits and then sell the team for a trillion dollars after he builds a new arena.

  12. CommonNotCommons

    It worked so well last time lol

  13. spaceman1195

    Tear it down for what? To start the process over again? Obviously, they need to make changes. But a full rebuild is definitely not the answer. How about they just upgrade where they can without digging a deeper hole for the future, see how the new coach plays out, and then reevaluate.

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