@Cleveland Cavaliers

Good luck to him, we should’ve have gotten rid of Kevin.

Good luck to him, we should’ve have gotten rid of Kevin.

by Reflex_Teh


  1. Feisty_Ratio3694

    Or at least got something for him

  2. Illustrious_Kale_692

    It’s not too late to delete this

  3. ClevelandDawg0905

    Another questionable decision by JB.

  4. sneezydwarv

    Careful posting this, the JB/Koby homers are out in full force.

  5. TH3_GR3Y_BUSH

    Dude demanded a buy out after the trade deadline, we didn’t want to get rid of him. Guy hardly played n made 28mil a season then when we finally get a good group into the playoffs he wants out, man fuck Kevin Love!!!

  6. navajo_moe

    So can someone tell me what we should have done in this situation? Sincerely though.

  7. ja21121

    Do you people not even remember how unplayable he was? Please stop this stupid hindsight garbage. Kevin love isn’t a difference maker. He’s playing a mediocre 16 min a game for the heat. He CERTAINLY wasn’t the difference between the cavs winning and losing that series. The cavs problem is they didn’t make any moves to make the team better. Kevin love was not making a difference for this team. These stupid posts are so old now. Please let it go. Kevin loves 8 and 6 on 36% shooting and usual turnstile defense in the playoffs isn’t good. He’s washed, period.

  8. Phishkale

    Can we stop celebrating this guy? He was overpaid for 4 years, an anchor on our team and asked for a buyout the second he stopped getting PT.

  9. TheTrollisStrong

    If anyone thinks Love would have magically won us the series, you are sorely mistaken.

    We lost in 5 games, this Kevin Love would not win us 3 more games, we had a shit ton of problems. People can not be this delusional.

  10. BakerInTheKitchen

    I like how we pretend Kevin Love is the reason the heat are where they are and not because Jimmy Butler is playing insane and that they have one of the best coaches in the league. Definitely Love’s 15 minutes a game taking them over the hump!

  11. Upward_Fail

    Not sure about the title? But the image hits. At this point Miami taking down BOS would be epic tho.

  12. AgonizingSquid

    I’m pulling for him and the nuggets, fuck the Cavs for letting him go

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