@Miami Heat

The moment he realized he fucked up

The moment he realized he fucked up

by TuaTouchdownsallova


  1. lounginaddict

    Goddamn I love Himmy


  2. BluexFlash

    Jimmy has at least 4-5 moments now that deserve to go up on the championship alley hallway. This is one of them

  3. jumpmanw123

    anybody got video of the whole incident

  4. Substantial_Diver_34

    The greats always appear to be playing in slow motion when in the zone. I’m not going to say it but reminds me of watching the dude from Space Jam.

  5. yayeet182

    Easy to talk when you’re up, Jimmy’s talk always comes right before we have a comeback while trailing

  6. Brocktarrr

    There’s gonna be a 30 for 30 on this run and I cannot wait for the Grant Williams interview where he’s like “I was just trying to fire my team up” and they cut to Tatum, Smart, and Brown who immediately go “the second he did this I knew he fucked up and we were in trouble”

    Then they cut to Bam and Lowry who just laugh and go “yea we knew he fucked up when he poked the bear”

    Like, I know we call Jimmy, MJ’s son. But this felt just like that story Kevin Garnett tells about MJ. Where one of his TWolves teammates got a couple buckets on MJ, KG started talking shit, MJ laughed and told the teammate “you better tell the young kid he doesn’t know what he’s doing” and then Jordan proceeded to just torch the shit out of them to the point KG was gasping for air apologizing to his team in the middle of plays

  7. Otherwise-Mail-4654

    Go Williams! Do it again next game!

  8. Otherwise_Toe_9258

    When keeping it real, goes wrong

  9. nickonater

    I’m a Canadian hockey fan that cheers for the panthers and these playoffs and all the cross team support between our teams has got me invested in basketball for the first time in a while, im all aboard the wagon here boys let’s go heat!!!!

    Jimmy Butler and Matthew Tkachuk are just unreal

  10. stilloriginal

    “Yeah?” “Yeah!” “Oh yeah? “Oh yeah” “yeah?” “Yeah”

  11. CaliforniaGuy1984

    I missed it live, but caught the highlights afterward. TNT had the perfect broadcast team at courtside for this. Jimmy Butler doesn’t give two flying shits who you are. The Heat definitely rallied around this. Grant Williams pissed off the wrong guy. Just ask the (now former) Memphis Grizzlies Dillon Brooks what the consequences of “poking the bear” can do.

  12. nope0712

    One of the most iconic nba playoffs moment ever

  13. MiamiPeloDISCO

    I want to frame this and put it on my wall

  14. elcubiche

    Celtics subreddit saying Williams had nothing to do with Jimmy’s tear on them and I told them as a Heat fan I agreed and encourage Grant to keep antagonizing Jimmy lol.

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