@Portland Trail Blazers

yeah no

yeah no

by FeralRollyPolly


  1. RickTheMantis

    Surprised it’s not Lakers tbh. Pretty much everyone at my workplace that has been watching the finals is rooting for the bum Lakers. Must be a suburb thing.

  2. _milf_cheek_clapper_

    Heat or Nugs and I’ll be happy. Jimmy and Jokic are two of my favorite players. Probably will root for Denver in the finals

  3. Damezang

    Rooting for Jimmy Buckets and the Miami underdogs at this point. Too much fun seeing him go crazy in fourth quarters not to. It’s like he drinks liquid lightning bolts during the breaks or something

  4. dungeaterfan69

    You should be happy it’s not the Lakers like in every neighboring state.

  5. Why are one of these colors not “Fuck the Lakers”?

  6. jamesmunger

    Are you disagreeing with the result of the research?

  7. Pissedrca

    Im rooting for the Heat, Jimmy B would put the smackdown on chunky jokic

  8. arrow577

    Incorrect. But I am betting on nuggets v heats for the championship

  9. dolphs4

    WA dropping the ball yet again. Lakers? Really?

  10. YoungSuplex

    Hate to say it after our playoff battles but joker is the best player in the league and deserves a ring

  11. EcstaticAd8179

    doesn’t bode well for us getting brown if we support boston lol

  12. Zero916

    Sacramento is not rooting for the Lakers. I know that for sure. Only LA is rooting for the Lakers.

  13. rbfking

    Would be cool for Payton Pritchard get a ring

  14. blazershorts

    I bounce back and forth between Nuggets and Heat, it depends who’s playing that day.

  15. pdxmarionberrypie

    I’ll take the team that builds within and hasn’t won any championships please. Fuck the heat and fuck the Celtics. Slimeballs

  16. thorhyphenaxe

    If youre a Blazer fan and not rooting for Miami, get your head checked

  17. lizardsonmytoast

    Best change that to Heat cause this here is Himmy Butler territory. We root for underdogs all day.

  18. Sucitraf

    I don’t know why I was shown this post as a Kings fan, but I can assure you we are definitely NOT rooting for LA. Never have, never will.

    Let’s go Heat and Nuggets all day long.

  19. Everestcdxx

    Rooting for the first 9th seed winner ever

  20. Adventurous_Cup4000

    I wish Canada is in this map,since we have a Canadian team. On the other hand I do understand leaving us off. As we’re well, Canadians..

  21. RipCityyyyyy

    For me it’s about 75% Heat and 25% Celtics. The Nuggets deserve it though and they have the record to back it up too but I’m not a fan. I’m fine with either Butler or Tatum.

  22. hikensurf

    what’s the “yeah no” about? I’m going for the Celtics and so is the majority of Oregon apparently. what’s the point of this thread?

  23. gothmeatball

    All I want is nugs/heat finals. Either team deserves it. Fuck the big market Lakers and fuck the big market Celtics forever.

  24. Broadway_Baller

    As a New Yorkers, Miami is arguably the Knicks biggest rival. Celtics are a division rival. So it’s really Lakers or Nuggets and bc Knicks haven’t been good in 20 years there’s lots of Lebron fans

    So I understand why NY is supporting Lakers/Lebron James

  25. I’m rooting for Peyton Pritchard, the pride of West Linn and the mayor of seattle to get a ring.

  26. HyperionRain

    I feed on L*ker tears. I would love it if they never so much as sniff another chip again.

  27. No one in WA is rooting for the fucking lakers lol

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