@Los Angeles Lakers

Hope he turns it around, but D’Lo has become our Poole this series. Liability on defense and struggling on offense.

Hope he turns it around, but D’Lo has become our Poole this series. Liability on defense and struggling on offense.

by ArthurReimus


  1. cypherdust

    He’s never been a winning player. I’d take DLo over Westbrook, but neither is a winning player. AR, Dennis and Lonnie are the only guards we need to play

  2. sadberto

    Back to back missed then reeves hits one, get this guy outta here

  3. Alternative_Leg9446


    Why is he still getting minutes???

  4. cheeksbossman

    It’s actually mind boggling that Ham refuses to bench him

  5. Drumsticksboy

    He needs to sit out for the rest of the game and only come in as a sub for the rest of the series.

  6. indogunawan

    I’m convinced the FO is pressuring Ham to play DLo like how they pressured Vogel to start Drummond over Gasol

  7. DevoooDaDemon

    For the love of god, just throw him in the trash for this series

    I’d honestly rather have Westbrook for this series

  8. SnapsOnPetro45

    And he just threw it away AGAIN.. SIT HIM DOWN DARVIN U IDIOT

  9. 15-cent

    Unfortunately he’s the same player he was when we drafted him. Streaky shooter, liability on defense. But he’ll have just enough of those big nights to keep you thinking maybe he can be great.

  10. knightgawd

    I hope you mean turn around when he leaves his house on Monday

  11. Imaginary_Bicycle_14

    He has ice in his veins…when it’s the third game of the preseason and he’s being guarded by Justin Bieber; who happens to be a fine player in the entertainment ranks. Now that it counts dlo is not loading. He’s 404 at this point. At least we know he won’t be back.

  12. puhtime

    I hate how nonchalant he looks hooping. Like he’s doesn’t care. No urgency no desperation. 🤬🤬🤬

  13. LALoverBOS

    The other guys on the court don’t trust him with the ball anymore

  14. LAlakers4life


  15. just_one_random_guy

    We’ve been wanting him to turn it around for the entire playoffs now

  16. KingVibrant

    He didn’t and we lost the series because of it.

  17. SimpleJacked2TheTits

    DO NOT resign him. He’s been mediocre at best this postseason and the worst player on the floor, by far, this series.

  18. OverseasDom

    Dude isn’t “struggling” he’s fucking terrible

  19. LakerSamurai

    Turn it around for what lol it’s over

    I really hope he ain’t on the team next season, bc this is him, this is who he is

  20. awibasedgod

    He played himself off the roster next year IMO

  21. TroubledMang

    Can’t turn around his defense which is what hurt us the most. He definitely shouldn’t have started in the 2nd half after seeing what happened in the 1st. That’s on the coach. Hell he shouldnt have started Dlo, right? Ham’s worried about next season, but all that mattered was getting that W.

    Bron went 3-10 from deep which is huge improvement lol, but the Lakers can’t shoot the 3. Denver, on the other hand, took turns getting hot from deep despite Jokers issues. Can’t account for that, and Jamal going nuts in the 1st half.

  22. camlawson24

    Struggling is polite, he’s shot a couple air balls

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