@Denver Nuggets

Being a Denver fan on this sub since the WCF started

Not that I mind the support but every other comment is “Im a ____ fan but”



  1. IdRatherBeLurking

    Lmao I no longer have to post 70% of the content here, been waiting for this for almost a decade

  2. Genuinely became a Nuggets fan during the Phoenix game. Currently waiting on my Murray Denver blue jersey.

  3. HellBlazeSRB

    Let’s use game 4 to teach newcomers about Munder!

  4. Beneficial-Hour-9865

    Mavs fan, but I riding heavy with y’all for this one

    You beat the Suns, so I am forever grateful

    Your team has positive vibes and the most disrespected best player in the world

  5. Syndana23

    Yea for some reason that stuff gets annoying after while

    “_____fan here, just wanna sa…” dude take your ass back to your sub the fuck

  6. kiwisawa420

    I feel this way about the city rn too. Happy it’s a basketball town rn, little annoyed that people are just now realizing the best player in the world plays in Denver.

  7. TheEnergizer1985

    For me I just hate the Lakers and love your play-style. Pistons are my first team (sad I know 😭), but yall remind me of a more fun version of the Pistons/Spurs teams from the mid 2000s.

  8. This WCF made me use Reddit way more! Been a fan since birth (am 41). My dad always said he never believed he’d see a finals team in his lifetime. Texted him and he seems in good health. What a ride.

  9. Famous_Stand1861

    It’s crazy to see thousands of comments in the game and post game threads.

  10. KT_introspective

    My mom used to take me to Nuggets games at McNichol’s arena and I was a huge fan during the Melo/Chauncy/AI days. But with Altitude beefing with cable providers I’ve kinda fallen out with the team, which sucks because this is an epic run.

    As a huge Avs fan through the thick and thin, them winning last year was epic. I hope the true faithful are rewarded this year!

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