@Golden State Warriors

Austin Rivers says Austin Reaves skill level is not even in the ‘same realm’ as Jordan Poole’s “He’s nowhere near Jordan Poole.” (Via @ringernba )

A somewhat misleading title/tweet, but Rivers does a good job breaking down what (currently) makes Reaves a more productive player than Poole, despite the clear skill difference between them.


by SleepyChino


  1. Cheap-Bed1892

    This is why so many fans get pissed off at Poole because we see the talent and the skill set but he just refuses to do all these other things to put it all together. And at the end of it all, you get a player who may be extremely skilled but lacks the discipline to be great.

  2. No shit. Yes, Poole had a bad season/playoffs but last year he was the best player on the court in the playoffs against nuggets when Steph was out. While i understands people want to trade him, you guys have to remember we still need to get into playoffs. If Steph, Klay, and Dray can only play like 60-65 games due to various small injuries and B2B offs, you still need a scorer that can get us a few wins in the other 20 games.

  3. Ok-Roof-978

    According to this sub , JP is worthless and can’t even dribble…

    The stuff I watched all season on this sub. The level of animosity… it was all insane!

  4. george_costanza1234

    Poole’s skill has never been the issue, it’s how brainless he is as a player

    Dude is a Michael Beasley type player and that scares me

  5. Kedosto

    All of the qualities that Poole lacks can and will be accounted for as he matures. The talent is there, the maturity is not, both on and off the court. He’s 23, think about where his game could be at 28.

  6. nghbrhd_slackr87

    All-time great podcast background…

    Picture of himself at all his different NBA and basketball stops

  7. North_Street_8547

    Love Poole but this seems more like d riding . I do think Poole is better but saying he’s in another realm is d riding

  8. longjinxed

    That’s why Austin Rivers is never an elite player in his own rights. He thinks of Skills as dribbling, moving, shooting not how a player reads the game, decision making, creating momentum. Drawing a foul is a freaking skill, not afraid of big moments is a mental strength. Not all great guards have to be freaking Steph curry like. Not saying Austin Reaves is on the same level as Steph, but his mental game is just as strong. That’s something JP cannot match!

  9. DefinitionDry1490

    Reaves would fit great here ngl but would lose the Kobe/MJ whistle

  10. realuptoknowgood

    NBA fans, us included, are very reactionary to good/bad performances.

  11. BeetLover1111

    No one disagrees with it. His skills are not the issue, it’s his basketball iq and attitude.

  12. AvidWatchers

    Austin Rivers is the Andrew Tate of the NBA

  13. DeterminedTanjiro

    That’s nice.

    We’d be a better team with Reaves.

  14. Ok_Revolution_5481

    I remember Austin Rivers bleeding & playing hard a f for a clippers team that just exploded in the playoffs say what you want about this guy he has a lot heart! Though

  15. Ok_Revolution_5481

    I think his eye was f up also crazy serie 😂

  16. Operation_Ivysaur

    Is Austin Rivers really giving an interview in front of a stylized painting of himself? Lmao

  17. Testadizzy95

    It’s not about his skill, it’s about his chemistry with the core, his effort and his BBIQ. This season clearly demonstrates a bad vibe in the locker room can cost this team. He is not the only problem for sure, but JP and Dray on the same team will not work.

  18. by_yes_i_mean_no

    Would not be shocked at all if Rivers is on the Warriors next season.

  19. youngmostafa

    Water is wet. Was this ever a discussion or debate lmao da hell

  20. Equivalent_Bat1816

    Jordan Poole, you’re a future Washington Wizard!

  21. Fragrant-Astronaut57

    Poole’s redemption season is coming next year.

  22. calmdwnnchill

    Poole was due for a down year and that’s fine. That’s expected when you keep trying to expand your game

  23. Creative-Coconut

    TIL three point shooting is not a skill

  24. MeetMeAtTheNachoCart

    Austin Rivers having a painting of himself hanging behind him during this podcast or whatever is hella on brand lmaoooo

  25. FunnyItWorkedLastTim

    I think the part about “buying in” is critical. Most of the time when we see Good JP it is when he is the starter. He knows his role and he buys in completely. When he comes off the bench, he does not seem to know what he is asked to do, he feels the leash from Kerr and starts second guessing himself or worse, being too aggressive trying to make a 9 point play. I don’t think he’s ever been super comfortable being a 6th man.

  26. GabeHirsch

    It doesn’t even matter if he’s skilled and will be a good player. It doesn’t seem like we can keep him because of the punch. It seems like he just doesn’t care when he’s out there. The vibes are terrible and I don’t think getting rid of Dray fixes it. I don’t see how it just gets better next year. It’s not a skill issue.

  27. ConstantineMonroe

    This is why I want us to pump the breaks on the trade Poole talks. I am still a believer. It took Steph Curry 5 years, I say we give him some time. Do you want to rush a potentially failed attempt at a win now team and screw out future over? Because that’s what I see happening if we try to trade him. I don’t want to see Poole become a 25 point per game guy on the Orlando Magic. I want him to develop on the Dubs

  28. TemporaryAcc716

    Austin Reaves is a better teammate and has a higher basketball IQ but Poole has all-star potential if he stops being so arrogant, plays smarter, and takes care of the ball better.

  29. flossdog

    well, I hope Austin Reaves gets a massive contract so that the Lakers can’t keep him, or screws up their cap.

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