@Toronto Raptors

If this is true, what’s your reaction?

If this is true, what’s your reaction?

by 99ahmadali786


  1. LostPants7

    I think this is a fair take. I want to know what trades we could have made during the trade deadline vs what we’ll be getting now

  2. mMounirM

    there’s a month left until the draft. any deal with the blazers would be done on draft night.

    so I very much doubt this. Pretty sure most of our focus is on finding the right coach right now. I don’t think we’re far in *any* trade negotiations

  3. pskill43

    I mean it’s possible. When was the last time we were a seller and got a first round pick or upgraded our pick by selling our players? Seems like a distant memory from now.

  4. Muse4lp

    Wasn’t there also a report out of Phoenix at the deadline that Masai was asking for a lot? I don’t doubt that this is true, especially since Masai has a soft spot for both of OG and Pascal and would ideally only trade them for a kings ransom.

    This is also why I don’t see Masai trading either in the off-season. He’s probably hoping a new coach can come in here and help steer the ship back to winning waters.

  5. If this is all it takes to get Brown, we should get him lmao. Blazers living in a fantasy world if they think they can get a 26yo All-NBA wing this cheaply.

    Brad would be dumb af if he decided to sell Brown for pennies rather than trying to get a new coach or retooling around them. If he does want to trade Brown, it should be like the Kawhi trade — for someone better

  6. OguguasVeryOwn

    Well it fits with what we’ve heard about Masai’s negotiating tactics over the years. Zach Lowe once said that Masai wants to win big in every trade, which he has often accomplished, but it also means that we often fail to get deals done. And miss out on potential opportunities, hence all the smoke about the Raptors having interest in players that ultimately goes nowhere.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we actually don’t move a core piece and just make small moves on the margin. Evaluate the new coach and if there’s no progress then 24-25 is the rebuild year. (Which I think would be a little bonkers considering that Scottie will be entering his fourth year and may not have an appetite for what that entails).

  7. TradingPokemonSWSH

    If true then lmao they don’t want to get fleeced

  8. The_Mikeskies

    Good for the Celtics. Sucks for Portland long term.

  9. jjkiller26

    I find it hard to believe a team would stop doing business with another because they had a high asking price lol this isnt a couple guys in a fantasy football league it’s a professional league.

    The celtics also selling on brown for just simons and the 3rd pick seems like selling at an extremely low value, and how can that basically be confirmed mid playoff series?

  10. PriorityPoints

    Call the bluff. Are the blazers really rushing for the chance to trade for and extend Brown for 295million? He seems like the type to walk if they dont put the max dollars on the table. Compared to OG who is the better defender and will cost maybe half that at most.

    While I think they still ultimately hold on keeping Sharpe in any scenario, I dont think they’ll walk away from Toronto just because we put the squeeze on them. Lillard mentioned OG by name

  11. Bixby33

    It’s believable in how it might play out, but cmon.

    No way Boston has had preliminary talks with Portland about Brown with the assumption they’ll lose.

    Celtics probably don’t know what direction they’ll take with Brown, let alone already have a landing spot planned out.

  12. RunnerUpKing

    I don’t think this team is doing anything lol

  13. beardedalien013

    If this is true, Blazzers are crazy. They want an all star calibre small forward but don’t wanna pay the price? Not how the nba works, young fella

  14. VulgarDaisies

    It’s all posturing, everybody has their own agenda.

  15. UjiriWatcher

    Probably true. Masai wants to rip off every team except when donating FRPs to the spurs

  16. nath999

    Good if I am dealing with Portland I want Sharpe, if that is what Masai is holding out for than I am happy.

  17. The_Living_L

    would not be surprised if it were factual information, Masai overvalues his players, especially the ones he is close with, he most likely is asking for a kings ransom for Siakam, especially after all the talk during the deadline about how it would take a kings ransom to trade Siakam or OG

  18. Several_Repeat_5447

    Even if that’s true there’s the possibility of Boston flipping that package for a #2 option under Tatum.

  19. Brown will cost more than Bridges. Brown will cost more than OG. This is a fairy tale.

  20. DontCheeseMeBro

    Masai would rather lose his players for nothing than to get a fair trade. The chip has made him delusional

  21. Garbagemansplaining

    Don’t see why Boston would do that deal. Doesn’t really get them closer to a chip. Unless they’re moving them on as well.

  22. Toonie2k

    It’s possible but why would the Celtics ship brown out for a 2 extremely young and raw players lol it doesn’t make sense when they are in win now mode

  23. chrisPjelly

    What are the Celtics supposed to do with #3, Anfernee, and Sharpe? And yes, if the Raps may or may not ask for that kind of ridiculous overpay, the Celtics ABSOLUTELY will with a significantly better player in Brown. Can’t see the Celtics buying in unless they route those assets to a 3rd team .

  24. GuessableSevens

    This is juicy AF and honestly this looks like the Blazers ripping off the Celtics but we don’t know any behind the scenes info. Maybe Brown wants a trade, maybe his koo koo brain is causing locker room issues, maybe he’s demanding super max or trade, etc in which case all of those scenarios are Ws for the Celtics in this trade.

  25. Outland3r_

    Ya I don’t trust this guy actually has sources just because he was right about one thing in the past. If Portland actually thinks Brown is the answer then good luck with that lol

  26. kpeds45

    Anyone guaranteeing a trade has been settled on for a player who is still playing literally right now in the playoffs is full of shit and shouldn’t be listened to.

    That’s my reaction.

  27. ImmaFunGuy

    I totally can see this happening. Probably also why raptors couldn’t really sell at the deadline and became buyers just to say they didn’t do nothing. Teams also know raptors can’t afford to to nothing this summer. There is no way they can justify run it back and believe in the team. Can they?

  28. SpicyP43905

    I could see a difficulty in Masai making a deal with Portland, however the reason I call BS is cuz I don’t see Boston trading Brown for a worse (but younger) player + draft capital when they’re in win-now mode.

  29. NBAball05

    Well I believed it after he mentioned the Masai is asking too much and blazers are fed up

  30. LemmingPractice

    He probably does have a source in the org, and is probably passing along the smokescreen the org wants him to.

    I would be really surprised if the Celtics move Brown. Even if they lose this one, a Finals appearance and a Conference Finals appearance in back to back years is pretty damn good, and trading Brown would be a huge step back for a team who has been on the doorstep of a title for two years.

    Probably just your standard smokescreen. I’m pretty sure their real targets are either on the Raps or the Nets, and adding a phantom third bidder for their pick helps their bargaining power.

  31. Legitimate-Row7081

    rip if this is true then fuck being a raptor fan is painful… messed up deadline and fucked up off season

  32. NoMaybenotactually

    I find it very hard to believe that this would be a good move for Boston? Why would they wanna go younger around Tatum for a rookie and an unproven young guard in Simone? I don’t see Boston Trading Brown for any unproven players tbh, they are one of the best teams in the league that need a coaching switch up an elite playmaker, they don’t get either from this so it just seems unlikely all around

  33. FactorNo7477

    If this is at all true, and Portland doesn’t want to discuss with our FO about a trade, surely there are other teams that must be interested in acquiring Siakam

  34. OtisKaplan

    Blazers sub is delusional af, they think they can win a chip by keeping the pick and Sharpe.

  35. Bapegang123

    I got downvoted for saying that here

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