@Boston Celtics

Never expected this loser mentality from Smart…

Never expected this loser mentality from Smart…

by Nuns0nDrugs


  1. sunnyPorangedrank

    This dude supposed to be the heart and soul of this team smh

  2. Coco1520

    Think this team needs a new heart and soul

  3. MarquisJames

    I can’t imagine this is what he actually said because it literally goes against everything Marcus Smart. This is Marcus Dumb, a quitter version of Marcus Smart that I don’t think any of us knew existed.

  4. sunnyPorangedrank

    Also that thrown elbow at caleb martin by smart was totally bush league. Dude is so washed

  5. ClaytonBigsbe

    Incredibly pathetic. Cool, you beat them last year, then didn’t win the finals. Now, at this very moment, you’re getting the brakes beat off you, about to be down 3-0, probably gonna get swept, and you want to drop this?

  6. DeucesWild10

    What’s he gonna say? He’s probably embarrassed just like the rest of us. You say stupid shit when you’re in the middle of it, whatever it is.

  7. HS941317

    I miss the Smart from the IT days. That was an actual dawg.

  8. Everyone gets frustrated and says stupid shit. Trash talk is a part of the game man, shit happens move on.

  9. freehugandkiss

    Dude has always thought of himself as something he’s not. He damn sure has fooled 90% of Celtics fans tho

  10. Aurock75

    Honestly he’s frustrated like all of us. We all saying stupid shit in the sub

  11. a1mrbhelpuri

    That right there shows they’ve accepted their season is ending and don’t care.

  12. This is how you know he needs to go. This dude no longer has the heart and soul if you’re saying shit like this. We need a reset. This style of basketball is exhausting, forced Stevens out.

  13. Sammy360

    Brad is about to have a busy summer once again.

  14. He got a DPOY and now he thinks he’s king shit.

    Symptomatic of this teams culture. They think they’re great and can walk over opponents. Silver lining to this performance is that maybe this finally humbles them, because the narrative on them has completely flipped on a national level.

  15. captaing1

    Trade his ass for a bag of skittles. this is a garbage take

  16. Drawing_The_Line

    Oh my. If that actually happened that is extremely embarrassing and it explains why this season’s team is so mentally weak. This season was a failure from Wyc and Brad on down.

  17. DrownedInBeans

    I hate when this fanbase piles on Marcus Smart and blames him for the team’s issues. Was this a dumb thing of him to say? Sure. But he was clearly hot/frustrated by a lot of things last night, and in general he looks like the only person on the roster that wants to win / is truly bothered by losing. He is the 5th highest-paid player on the roster and has outplayed most of the top-4 for this postseason run (he’s definitely outplayed Brown, Horford, and Brogdon).

    It’s just frustrating when our fans focus the blame on Mazzulla and Smart – when Tatum and Brown are fucking up left, right, and center. It’s literally impossible to be a contender in the NBA with a star player who’s shot is as inconsistent/unreliable as Tatum, but so many Celtics fans will avoid ever scrutinizing him. It’s a soft, coddling approach by our fanbase and as a result we have to root for soft players.

    I don’t think Smart and Mazzulla are blameless for these losses, but the amount of focus/hate they get relative to the more highly-paid guys is dumb. Imagine if you built a racecar that routinely comes up short and fails to ever win big races. Throughout all of these races there were stretches where the car was humming as good as any car on the track. But then there are stretches where the engine putters and takes a while to get going again. You guys are all talking about the windshield wipers and the tires, when there is a way way bigger issue staring us in the face (the engine – Tatum/Brown).

  18. captaincumsock69

    I think this needs more context tbh.

  19. ThePatriot131313

    May next year’s playoff T shirts can read “We made the East Finals last year, we good.”

  20. accountlikeapistol

    I just bought this dude’s jersey fuck my life 😭😭😭

  21. The team peaked too early in the season…they were hanging on to a thread after the all Star game. It was written on a wall.

  22. SaszaTricepa

    This is so fucking soft and pathetic. Marcus haters are eating right now.

  23. adrel234

    This is stupid…. Butler probably talked shit the entire game. Smart just got triggered

  24. DrKedorkian

    I recall beating them by the skin of our teeth

  25. P4TL4NT4

    Smart needs to be traded. He’s longest constant on this team. It’s been same whole time he’s been hear. We just need to hope Brogdon/White will flourish with more playing time.

  26. B-I-G-A-R-R-O-W

    He can’t be the starting PG on this team next year 9 years of him is enough

  27. Legon309

    Wait, what’s wrong with this? This, to me comes off as “we beat y’all last year and we weren’t talking shit all game. Kind of like, “act like you’ve been here…” or am I wrong?

  28. bransimp420

    Last night was a slaughter, Boston needs to split up

  29. zacinho55

    When will they realize he’s been the problem all along

  30. Junito24

    Cooked asf forreal smh proof this teams complacent asf

  31. GooseMay0

    Does he mean we beat you last year so we will do it again despite being down 0-3. Or does he mean we beat you last year so I’m fine losing this year?

  32. MartinLouisTheKing

    Damn bro gave up. I don’t care if you up 50 you gonna have to kill me

  33. tonylouis1337

    Please put an end to this horrible acid trip of a Playoffs

  34. wilkinsk

    Easy to make it sound like him accepting a loss.

    It’ can also be him trying to sike himeself up. “We beat you last year, we good…” and part two could be “we’ll do it again”.

    It depends on what subtext you’ll apply to him next. You can easily assume it’s one or the other depending on your attitude.

  35. SadEffective3808

    LMAO people switch up so fast. If you said this about smart a week ago you’d get crucified in here. He’s been a problem for a while now.

  36. DonahueCodes

    How is that “loser mentality” exactly? He isn’t saying we’re not going to beat you this series. He’s just saying you’re up now. We beat you last year. Maybe close it out first?

    It’s easy talk when you’re up

  37. BedNo5127

    Some of you guys spiraling wanting to blow up the squad that got you this far just because of a series loss is amazing to watch.

    By all means, I hope they get rid of every player and coach you want gone. I’d love to revisit how this team is doing around this time next year

  38. JamesTeaKurk

    Sports psychologist needs to enter the chat.

  39. IronBush

    When did he have time to say anything? All I ever see is him flopping around, laying on the court, begging for fouls. Never liked this guy and am so sick of the way he plays, begging for them to get rid of him for years. He’s unskilled, used to at least be a hustle guy. Now he’s just a flopper, maybe try Premier League.

  40. dpappa6

    I don’t think he actually said that tbh

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