@Denver Nuggets

To say that his career with the nuggets didn’t end well would be an understatement, but he was the first nuggets player who really made me a fan of this team, and I’ll always be sincerely grateful for that – congrats to one of the greatest and most influential players in nuggets franchise history

To say that his career with the nuggets didn’t end well would be an understatement, but he was the first nuggets player who really made me a fan of this team, and I’ll always be sincerely grateful for that – congrats to one of the greatest and most influential players in nuggets franchise history

by number15ismyfather


  1. FearediZ

    As much as Melo might have hated it here, he is still a nugget for life. i don’t know how they’ll handle the jersey thing with Jokic now but he needs something in the rafters.

  2. oldmoneyblues

    Knicks should retire Melo’s jersey. He wanted to be there after all

  3. jluvengirl

    I don’t get the sentimentality here. I do wish him the best but he was a clout chaser his whole career and was turning the ball over on purpose at the end of his time with us and demanding a trade completely limiting our options and being a complete dick. He’s the opposite of what our team stands for. I feel nothing about him retiring today other than best wishes for him but we don’t owe him anything.

  4. Glittering_Let_4230

    Melo had a nice jump shot in Denver but that was about it. He was our best offense, but barely bothered to get back across half court, let alone actually play defense.
    Without Marcus Camby, Kenyon Martin, Chris Anderson, Andre Miller and McDyess, we would have given up 150 pts a game. Not to mention George Karl’s genius with run and gun offense. Camby was DPOY in 2006 and people never mention him as all time great Nugget. Carmelo was lucky to come to such a stacked team but threw it away for a reality show in NYC.

  5. afanoftrees

    He’s the reason I became a nuggets fan. When I was kid they were showing some highlight reel of him making a bunch of shots in a row or something and I was like “I like that guy and those jerseys are badass” so I became a nuggets fan

  6. SodaDustt

    Did the team give Jokic the number 15 outta spite or did he pick it? If he picked it, is there a known reason behind it? I was looking for it but I couldn’t find it

  7. savestheclash

    I’m meh on Melo. Fine career (where those rings at tho), but the way he acted in Denver is rough as a lifelong fan of this city and team. Thanks for Murray, and Jokic has far surpassed your legacy. Won’t boo him, but don’t idolize him at this point. Just my humble opinion.

  8. dmlitzau

    He became the greatest Nugget of all time today!

    I refuse to consider careers until they are over, so I think he gets that title or about 10 years.

  9. coolestsp00n

    exactly he just wanted to play somewhere that was more fulfilling for him or ring chasing and what not but he had a good run here let’s appreciate how he brought us a good era of nuggets ball

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