@National Basketball Association

ESPN, if you’re reading this: please, we’re begging you, no more Mark Jackson next year

After watching ESPN’s coverage of the Western Conference Finals, I seriously don’t understand how Mark Jackson is the best that ESPN can do as far as in-game analysts go.

Jackson’s commentary is, at best, perfunctory. He offers the same type of analysis as the [baseball scouts in Moneyball](, just regurgitating platitudes about how so-and-so is a “winning player” or the “type of guy you want on your team.” When he does go out on a limb and offer a real opinion, I find that the opinion he offers is usually stupid. For example, in last night’s game, with Denver up two late, the Lakers had a side-out with 3.2 on the shot clock. Jackson’s analysis? “If you’re Denver, you want to make sure LeBron doesn’t get a step-back three.” Motherfucker, that’s the exact shot Denver had been forcing LeBron to beat them with all series, and he was shooting it poorly all series. Naturally, Denver, a team led by a man who has been able to retain his employment as an NBA coach, walled up inside and prevented them from getting an easy two to tie it up.

Jackson also is one of those commentators who clearly comes in with an agenda of what he expects (some would say “wants”) to happen. He clearly hadn’t prepared for the possibility of Denver dominating the series, and when they won last night he basically fell silent for the entire post-game show.

Look at the comments in almost any ESPN-covered game on here, and you’ll find countless examples of fans complaining about the commentary and begging for more games to be on TNT to get a respite from Jackson. It seems like fans are pretty universally on board with wanting a change. Jackson isn’t even a very big name like Reggie Miller or Grant Hill (both of whom are far better analysts than he is), so I don’t understand the appeal – I can’t imagine any casual fans are particularly curious what Mark Jackson’s thought are on a given game.

That’s not even mentioning that he’s apparently [so bad at the non-commentary aspects of his job]( that he accidentally voted for what he thought was All-NBA twice instead of submitting his desired MVP ballot.

AND, on top of all that, there’s Mark Jackson’s alleged [history of homophobia]( Now, I know that corporate “allyship” is all fake and performative. I also am not one of those people who thinks that mere allegations of bad behavior or beliefs should immediately get you fired from your job. But when I’m watching the games and I know that the commentator is a probable homophobe ON TOP OF being terrible at his job, it makes it extra frustrating that they just keep bringing him back.

So, why does ESPN insist on keeping him on? He’s not that big of a name, has a dubious personal history, and – most importantly – he doesn’t produce a good end product.

What is he offering that another commentator can’t?

by HereToTalkMovies2


  1. JoshGordonHypeTrain

    Time to put JJ on the top team.

  2. No_Mammoth_4945

    Don’t forget that he told the team that Festus ezeli was cheering for their losses (while he was injured) because it “made him look better” and made ezeli cry when the team confronted him about it

    Completely false and what a shitty way to treat a rookie or anyone in general. I don’t want to see or hear that man ever again

  3. DirtyMoneyJesus

    Mark Jackson and JVG are the worst commentating duo I’ve ever heard in any sport, if you didn’t know any better you would think neither one of these dudes likes basketball. Imagine being a new or casual fan and you turn on a conference final game to hear the commentators talk about how much they hate the game and how everyone and everything sucks

  4. Avant-Garde-A-Clue

    Mark Jackson sounds like he’s asleep and they have to wake him up when it’s his turn to speak.

    If I have to sit through another season of him mumbling “allow me this dance…” I swear to God..

  5. Cranberrryz

    Mark Jackson is awful, but I don’t like Jeff Van Gundy either. Poor Mike Breen, a Legend having to end his career with these schmucks. I hope TNT gets as many games as possible tbh.

  6. rikki-tikki-deadly

    You know what I’d like more than anything? For them to provide a Spanish-language broadcast of every game they televise. I’m only just learning Spanish, but even if I couldn’t understand a single word I’d still enjoy just having the commentary as background and enjoying the excitement of the announcers’ voices as opposed to being distracted by constant narrative-feeding and editorializing by the existing color commentators.

  7. Paragon_73

    I think Jackson just comes across as disingenuous. Hearing him praise Jokic’s abilities while knowing that the motherfucker left him off his MVP ballot is unreal.

  8. TH3PhilipJFry

    Can’t wait until I can say “Mama there goes that man” about him retiring from the public limelight.

  9. abanakakabasanaako

    Thanks! I thought I’m the only one noticing.

  10. neuroticsmurf

    I never understood how Jackson rose to be on ESPN/ABC’s lead analyst team in the first place. He was never that good.

  11. ModsEmbezzleMoney

    The fact that espn has been making cuts the last 15 years and letting people go that had been there 20 plus years meanwhile retaining poor talent like Mark Jackson at a premium is such a bad look. Like remember when they made all those cuts like 7 or 8 years ago and cleared house of like half the people that were in the “this is espn” commercials and had to stop playing them because of it. But keep the people your audience is annoyed by, that makes business sense. Yall wanna blame cord cutters for your shit numbers but it’s you dumb ass executives with your heads up your asses not giving us what we want, good sports analysis.

  12. zulmirao

    Denver isn’t just led by “a man who has been able to retain his employment as an NBA coach.” They’re led by a man who was brought in by ownership to be Jackson’s top assistant in Golden State, and was widely credited as responsible for a lot of the Warriors’ success in their first playoff run. A man without whom the next season, the Warriors underachieved and Jackson got fired.

  13. weedysexdragon

    The commentary in sports is for the mom who just walked in from the kitchen with snacks.

  14. porkchopsdapplesauce

    At one point last night after a crazy Jokic shot that he was just shocked by how good Joker was. You can tell he’s only ever seen him play when he covers him and has no respect for him (at least prior to the series ). You can’t convince me Marc watched any Nuggets ball all year unless it was a game he got assigned to cover

  15. ANBU_Black_0ps

    The thing you aren’t taking into account is that the average viewer isn’t some super knowledgeable hardcore basketball x’s and o’s nerd.

    Game 2 had 7.7 million viewers, probably less than 10% would get value out of the type of commentary you are asking for.

    What they are looking for is good casual banter that can help the most casual fan understand what they are seeing.

    That fan isn’t going to understand what a chase action is or an inverted pick and roll is and unlike NFL football, the pace of play in the NBA is too fast for them to break down these technical terms and concepts.

    What they can grasp is when a player makes an uncontested three and Mark Jackson goes, “Hand down, man down”, because even a layperson can understand that you need to contest a shot to make it more difficult for the shooter.

    Just to be clear, I’m not defending Mark Jackson, I’m merely pointing out he’s fine for a product that is being marketed to primarily casual fans.

  16. osapjules

    JVG too. I think he’s actually much worse

  17. osapjules

    I want Orlando or some other rebuilding team to hire Mark Jackson as a coach, even as an assistant. Not because I think he’d do well, but because I can’t stand him as an announcer

  18. Tiiiimmmooo

    Mark jackson, Jeff van gundy, and Reggie Miller all need to go.

  19. StinkyBuddyGuy

    lol I agree with all your points but goddamn it I can’t stop laughing at the “ESPN, if you’re reading this…” They aren’t fucking reading this, let alone giving any ounce of a shit about it.

  20. Iseewhatudidthurrrrr

    I’ve been saying this for years. He’s got the charisma of barbed wire.

  21. fargunkle

    I’ll take Jackson’s “mama there goes that man” over JVG’s incessant whining over every single thing during the game. I can’t begin to explain how badly I want him to shut the fuck up every time he speaks

  22. ohyouresovirtuous

    Agree. I just watch the game on mute so I don’t have to listen to his `grown man strength’ comments.

  23. Boops_McGee

    I’m starting to think he doesn’t even like basketball. The craziest shit pops off and he seems annoyed at best.

  24. Traditional-Leg-5855

    I’m right there with you on Jackson, but I’ll even throw in JVG too. I used to be a fan but in the past few years he’s come off extremely whiny and refuses to update his viewpoints on the game.

  25. WarrenThanatos

    Listening to him go on and on about the reason LeBron was going off was because a shoot around was so frustrating. As if he doesn’t do that before every game and that’s the only reason in this particular game he was doing well?

  26. He’s really bad. His catchphrase “momma there goes that man” is beyond cringeworthy. He was canned in golden state, Kerr came in the the dynasty started. The homophobia doesn’t surprise me, the word around the league was he’s more like a preacher than a coach and players don’t want to hear how Jesus would take a charge. He sucks.

  27. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Throw JVG in there as well. Breen deserves better than those 2 bitter clowns

  28. Lol, that comment about the step back 3 really stood out to me too. So dumb. This guy was a head basketball coach?

  29. Julen_23

    ” Motherfucker, that’s the exact shot Denver had been forcing LeBron to beat them with all series, and he was shooting it poorly all series. Naturally, Denver, a team led by a man who has been able to retain his employment as an NBA coach, walled up inside and prevented them from getting an easy two to tie it up. ” SPEAK!!!

  30. TorePun

    Mark Jackson: I certainly do love the WNBA.

    Jeff Van Gundy: I do too, and you know who else I love? Kiki Vandeweghe. Aren’t moms great too?

    Mark Jackson: Nothing can replace a good mother. Outstanding. Grown man maneuver.

    Mike Breen: Cam Payne from way downtown!

  31. TorePun

    Jeff Van Gundy: Can we talk about how strength is punished in the NBA for a moment? These big guys down low are getting manhandled on every possession but you can’t touch a guy on the perimeter, what’s up with that?

    Mark Jackson: …

    Jeff Van Gundy: And another thing, that tuna salad I had last night was just weak. No composition or intensity, much like these lakers who are now down double digits.

    Mark Jackson: If I’m the lakers right now I need to lock in and be more focused. They need to do a better job.

    Jeff Van Gundy: And you know who else needs to do a better job? The officials missing that out of bounds call three possessions ago.

    Mark Jackson: No argument here partner. Outstanding.

    Mike Breen: Hachimura from way downtown! Nuggets by 15.

  32. yooston

    I also would like to mention how terrible Lisa Salters is. Can we just get rid of sideline reporters? They add nothing. Her vibe last night as all “wow idk what im doing here, the nuggets are good?? Who do I interview??”.

  33. DistributionNo9968

    I know it’ll never happen but I wish there was the option to watch live sports with no commentary or analysis at all, just the sounds of the game and venue with pertinent info displayed onscreen.

  34. testiclefrankfurter

    Mark was a shitty coach, he’s a shitty announcer, and a shitty person. Keep talking about his homophobia until ESPN feels pressure to fire him.

  35. TorePun

    Jeff Van Gundy: All I’m saying is that the league needs to reevaluate high screen pick and rolls.

    Mark Jackson: Why is that?

    Jeff Van Gundy: The true championship-caliber teams have to get into their sets earlier and this high screen action isn’t getting them into their plays soon enough. They need to get into their sets quicker is all I’m saying.

    Mark Jackson: But that’s a grown man play, how can you be against that?

    Jeff Van Gundy: All I’m saying is that these Suns need to be better tonight.

    Mark Jackson: Outstanding. Mama, there goes that man.

    Mike Breen: The Phoenix suns cut the lead down to 42 here late in the third!

  36. davidw223

    ESPN’s coverage of the NBA is always trash. Half time is two minutes of replays over the most boring analysis possible with four or five commercial breaks. I guess I shouldn’t complain about all the commercials since it means I don’t have to listen to more Jalen Rose. I feel like they are trying to mimic TNT’s model but without any of the talent. It’s a shame they have the rights to cover the finals. I always enjoy the playoffs until that moment I have to watch the games on ESPN.

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