@Boston Celtics

Can we get this man courtside on Game 5?

Can we get this man courtside on Game 5?

by zeke_maximus11


  1. I would genuinely put an insane amount of money betting he will be there.

  2. PotBaron2

    the garden would explode if papi was court side wouldn’t surprise me if he showed up after talking about his experience being down 3-0

  3. timeknife91

    Hell yeah bring all the 04 Sox in, I need Pedro, Damon, Varitek, Nomar, the whole crew

  4. Nmilne23

    Naw but for only one single reason. Any time we try to have Boston legends or former Celtics stars in the building whether to honor them or they’re just there, we lose those games. KG’s jersey retirement comes to mind, losing that heartbreaker to the mavs on a last second shot

  5. snowcavern

    Pedro Millar Papi fuck bring Keith Foulke out

  6. snowcavern

    Also I can’t believe both Jeter and A-Rod were court side lol. So there is hope….

  7. insertdankmeme

    Yeah of course, you just pay him his quote like the Red Sox do.

  8. TheColonelRLD

    I would want him to go incognito somehow. Like up in a booth where no one can see him. And then, if the Celtics get down by like 12 points, he comes out, camera pans to him, he starts walking down the stairs, he points to Tatum and slowly feigns swinging a bat and smiles giving a thumbs up, shouting something the crowd can’t hear. The Garden goes wild, the atmosphere is electric. Tatum turns it into the 18th gear and lights it the fuck up and closes the game with 54 points. But just a thought.

  9. HauntedMattress

    I mean he is good friends with Al…

  10. truthpooper

    I’d rather the team shows up to play

  11. dredgedskeleton

    bring Derek Lowe throwing crotchchops and this series is going 7

  12. lgndk11r

    Cna we get Curt with a bloody sock, too?

  13. chronicbeliever

    I remember wearing a David Ortiz Sox shirt one day in my elementary school years. He’s the first and honestly the only Sox player I’ve ever known. I really like him for some reason

  14. irisheyes9302

    And can we get him to start a “WHY NOT US?” chant?

  15. Sea-Abrocoma7488

    Boston legend. One of best Red Sox players ever. He has that clutch mentality that these guys in green need to have. 3 more. What a will to win Papi had. You can’t teach that shit

  16. tienyutaiwan

    Yah please. If the team loses focus in the first half, we want him in the locker room smashing a phone with a bat.

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