@National Basketball Association

Shaq references his legal troubles to Curry: “Thanks for getting me in trouble, don’t say nothing.”

Shaq references his legal troubles to Curry: “Thanks for getting me in trouble, don’t say nothing.”

by lightskinbeaner


  1. MSKOnlyScans

    I can’t tell if this is a non-story with Shaq or what lmao. How can they not find this guy?

  2. PatronSaintOfUpdog

    Lmao that’s an all time inside moment

  3. Impartial__

    Did they find shaq yet. They have been looking for him to serve him

  4. Efficient_Art_1144

    I still don’t get how a 7’2” man recognizable due to his hall of fame basketball and pitchman career, who is on national tv at locations published and known ahead of time has managed to avoid being served for this long

  5. _Russell_Westbrick

    lol I still find funny people blame Shaq and Curry for the virtual currency thing, do your own fucking research next time before attempt to get rich

  6. nickelst92

    What specific legal troubles does Shaq have?

  7. Ok_Carpenter_6422

    I don’t want to defend celebrities but they will go down harder on people who advertised it than actually SBF

  8. sling_gun

    He also ends the conversation with an “I’ll see you soon brother” which I think alludes to the case

  9. AthKaElGal

    if the celebs are in trouble for advertising crypto, how is the Lakers not yet sued? The entire arena is an ad for crypto.

  10. Ok_Clue3059

    “Snitches get stitches Steph”

    – Shaq

  11. JesusAllen

    Lmao joking on live national tv about possibly losing millions of dollars is a hell of life to live.

  12. lloydeph6

    The fact that they going after these super stars and not FTX jus shows how corrupt our nation is

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