@Los Angeles Lakers

The “trade AD” crowd will be the same crowd applauding him for being the best two way player in the league next szn.

The “trade AD” crowd will be the same crowd applauding him for being the best two way player in the league next szn.

by angryshoper


  1. Significant_Night_65

    >will be the same crowd applauding him for being the best two way player in the league next szn

    Lol we’ve been hearing that since 2020

  2. goshaonmyneck

    Love the confidence but its either hes out for half the season or hes a no show in big games. Window is closed and its all on him a 30 year old who has no MVP no DPOY no HEART fake top 75 period

  3. Homie_Shinobi


  4. srkfan123

    The only player that can stop AD, is AD. Issue is that he stops himself almost half the time.

  5. Lol bro this is literally the same post every year since 2020

  6. EvilDonCheadle

    They need pieces. They could get a lot in return.

  7. BaullahBaullah87

    I hope you’re right man but we’ve been waiting three now lol

  8. Temporary_Scene_8241

    Time for a shakeup. Why not? AD trade could bring in a star, contending cast and also young players to build around for the future.

  9. foozbinjex

    We dont get past the Warriors or Grizzlies without him. He blew up their entire offenses. Jokic is an amazing player with a great supporting cast. ADs offense comes and goes, but he’s the best defensive player in the NBA, and thats something you can still build around.

  10. SellingPapierMache

    To be fair he IS a really good 50-55 games per year player

  11. Shoeguy24

    He deserves to stay no matter what. But let’s be clear – once Bron retires, he can’t hold this franchise together by himself.

  12. i_like_2_travel

    Bruh this ain’t new. Pau Gasol was gonna get traded every Tuesday when he was here too. This is typical Lakers fandom.

    AD is our future. We do need to pair him with another elite player/scorer/playmaker sans LeBron

  13. SimpleJacked2TheTits

    You will never get the value back from trading AD. Not even close.

  14. Lakerman0824

    We hear this every year yet always let’s us down. He’s an excellent 3rd option on offense. Need him to just focus on Def and get a real #2 offensive option

  15. JayCrenshaw

    This clown really got outplayed by Gordon.

  16. ComprehensiveShine80

    AD is good when he’s good but more importantly he’s gone way too much and when he’s here I have to worry about whether or not he’s gonna fold in crucial games in the playoffs. It kills me when everyone around him is fighting and he’s just kinda hanging out looking lost.

  17. SnapsOnPetro45

    Trade him for who tho? He’s arguably the 3rd best big man in the league. We can’t get that type of defense and paint scoring anywhere else.

  18. CabbageStockExchange

    What he needs to work on is not getting so deflated when his shot isn’t falling. If he sees two or three misses in a row he just flat out stops being aggressive on that end. AD can cook anyone he just needs to believe

  19. cloudparis0421

    AD is too important to trade. He’s literally Laker’s anchor in defense. Just need to get a few better pieces to surround him and Lebron.

  20. I can see this happening if we sign a Center that pairs well with AD at the 4

  21. Dagenius1

    Yeah I don’t at all get the “Trade AD” talk after this run. I think he is who he is and that’s good enough to be a key on a title team.

    I think he needs to be part of one more ring to solidify his legacy.

  22. justaskinthequestion

    If the market thinks that, trade him. If he doesn’t have any value, I guess keep him….

    But he absolutely shat the bed in game 4. Looking at how LeBron played and how AD played should tell you everything you need to know. AD laughing after getting up from the floor. Losing focus and missing bunnies. Getting his rest in.

    His talent is undeniable but his mindset is not elite.

  23. justaskinthequestion

    The ‘trade AD crowd’ will be applauding him in 2038 when he wins league MVP. Etc., etc., etc. Story is getting old.

  24. radracer82

    He is the best two way player, we saw that in the playoffs.

    Availability is another thing, though.

  25. Olliefnt

    I’m not for or against trading AD I would love to keep him but if someone like Luka or Dame was available for a trade and he wanted out I would be all for it

  26. DeathByChargers

    You can think he’s the best two way player and still want to trade him though

  27. gm4dm101

    Trade him? Who the hell do you think you are getting to make up for him?

  28. Halfie951


    sell high

  29. imnewb2

    LOL STOP IT. Old AD aint coming back look at his overall performance after thr championship year. If you stop being delusional and actually be honest with yourself, he’s a soft overpaid bum

  30. DuffleBagdude

    When was the last time this guy was the best 2 way player for a whole season? Maybe best 2 way player for 20 games a szn but never a whole season. Some of smoke good dope.

  31. henchilada

    People just need to understand that AD’s role on the team is shut down defense and rebounding. He does not need to put up more than 20 points to have a great game. We should have better perimeter shooting and a brute force caveman dunker asshole who can crash the offensive boards so the rest of the team can get back on transition D.

  32. BobFrancisco

    you used quotes around “trade AD” but wouldn’t type out season. You madlad!

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