@Denver Nuggets

Here’s my “Denver Sunrise” Nuggets concept. How do you guys feel about it?

Featuring the Seal of Denver + Colorado State Flag patches.

by sgzjzy


  1. Hiram_Goldberg

    Looks like a sunset though, if it’s a sunrise the mountains would be in direct light, looks like their backlit. I love the idea though.

  2. spizcraft

    Like the mountains, strongly dislike the font

  3. porkadachop

    I don’t like the number font, but I love everything else.

  4. BigDaddyPlatypus

    I’m not a fan of the font, but the mountains and coloring is dope

  5. South-Bag7958

    Looks good, but if the mountains are in it, that makes it a sunset.

  6. NuggetEagle

    Dont like the Font, other than that, i like it. maybe a little more color in the “sunrise” so from bright yellow to almost orange/red, like a real sunrise/sunset

  7. n0thing_remains

    I like the font and the mountaina and everything about it.

    /U/teensonacid what do you think of the concept?

  8. So I don’t normally do this sorta thing with designs, but I’m new to Denver concepts and your fanbase and thought this might be fun to test out. I’m loving this, and I’ll share updates here in the comments. Good stuff so far – thanks for all the input!

  9. elchico97

    I like the red trim a lot and the Colorado flag, flag doesn’t get enough play and it’s one of the best in the country. The city and county seal made me think it’s some right wing coup at first glance, not sure that’s the right messaging. Great concept tho!

  10. pocketbeagle

    The font is off. Maybe all caps? The skinny part of the numbers is a no go for me, feel like they fit thr jaxz musical note moreso. Colors and sunset though…perfect.

  11. Patty_T

    Love everything but the font. Also wish that they’d let you keep the Colorado flag but they’d definitely require advertisements there.

  12. PearlDidNothingWrong

    I love this, feels classic and modern at the same time.

  13. PipeTough7917

    I like it a lot more than this year’s city edition. I like the 70s vibe this gives off. Font is good too, don’t mind that it isn’t capitalized.

  14. ephen_stephens

    Love the design. The capital “D” and number font update you posted in the comments is a win.

    I’d be stoked to see the Nuggets in these. As other have stated, something subtle on the side, like the current city additions have, would be cool.

    Nice work.

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