@Oklahoma City Thunder

7 years ago today. As sad as the outcome of this series was, I love our current situation and wouldn’t trade it

7 years ago today. As sad as the outcome of this series was, I love our current situation and wouldn’t trade it

by Luckreee


  1. traw056

    Hey guy! Piss off and stop trying to ruin my night

    🙁 This still hurts me

  2. justFramy

    i actually cried when we lost game 7, that shit was rough

  3. aCatLunchbox

    I’d of rathered we won the championship that year. We’d have something to show for the KD and Russ years.

    I like our current situation but having won a championship would have been nicer.

  4. arania_exumai

    I was talking so much shit during the first 4 games. Really thought we would win the whole thing that year.

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