@National Basketball Association

Brian Windhorst: “The Sixers have not shown an appetite to pay [James] Harden the max… There’s been a very hard rumor out there in the NBA about Harden’s intent to go back to Houston and it makes you wonder if it’s being sold a little bit too hard.”

Brian Windhorst: “The Sixers have not shown an appetite to pay [James] Harden the max… There’s been a very hard rumor out there in the NBA about Harden’s intent to go back to Houston and it makes you wonder if it’s being sold a little bit too hard.”

by urfaselol


  1. NarrativeEnergy

    why would 76ers max a guy who shows up out of shape and quit on every team he’s been on?

  2. diaper_viper_98

    Does anybody know whose locker Windy will sleep in when LeBron retires?

  3. Clutch_

    I mean, he does have some leverage. If he leaves, the Sixers can’t replace him, and the Embiid window might basically be over. There are no great free agents this year / next year.

  4. spiderman2811

    Houston just hoping he signs the 1 day to retire a rocket

  5. king_lloyd11

    Yeah the Harden rumours came out of no where and ferociously. It doesn’t even really make sense? The Rockets aren’t a James Harden away from contending and if anything, Harden would potentially take away from development of their young team.

    It doesn’t really make sense for them to pay him, so unless he takes a huge pay cut to go be a mentor and for nostalgia of the Houston strip clubs, there’s no real reason for them to be reunited.

  6. mcellcorp

    Definitely feels like hardens camp is pushing a narrative of him going back to Houston so that Philly will pay him

  7. _AgainstTheGrain_

    I don’t understand the James hate from Sixers fan. Didn’t he win you two playoff games a couple weeks ago virtually by himself?

  8. moons_a_skull

    Did Windhorst just liken Kyrie’s contract situation with Hardens’?

    Im going to go out on a limb and say if the same outcome happens for both that will mean a borderline max contract for both and not some significantly “discounted” rate

  9. StudyRoom-F

    The Sixers are the team that most realizes how catastrophic these contracts can be. You *never* know what can happen in a fee years, regardless if how doomed it might look to just let him walk. We know this because of the Tobias deal.

  10. Great_Huckleberry709

    Give him what he wants Philly. It’s no coincidence Embiid had his best season of his career playing along with James.

  11. McJumbos

    Man i can’t wait for the offseason – I feel like its gonna be wild lol

  12. tripleyothreat

    I wonder how much of businessmen these guys really are

    “They don’t wanna pay me? Fine, spread a rumor I’m going to Houston and they’re giving me the max”

  13. excited_serum

    What are the odds the 76ers are going to blow it up this offseason?

  14. Few_Mulberry5372

    Lol bro tried to use us as leverage and Morey called his bluff 💀

  15. KingNephew

    Harden/Harris on 2 max contracts really is hell.

  16. RageOnGoneDo

    Translation: James Harden’s agent still hasnt texted me back

  17. I just want the Rockets-Harden jersey I bought right before he got traded to be wearable again.

  18. amino110

    Makes sense. Nobody in his mind should pay this version of Harden 200M.

  19. SirKelvinTan

    This would be a tillman thing not a Udoka thing wouldn’t it? (Giving Harden the max)

  20. I feel like Daryl Morey can’t be punked and would call bluffs on anything that might be total BS or remotely near

  21. TheHazelwood38

    If anyone in this league pays this man a max contract, it would be by a mile the worst contract in nba history.

  22. StoneColdAM

    He took a pay cut to compete. Understandable he wants more money now.

  23. DemarcusLovin

    He’ll get 3/$100 from Morey and he’ll like it

  24. ThisAintJayson

    He’s a few years removed from deserving the max.
    Still a damn good player. Borderline all star.

  25. Friendly-Rough-3164

    I’m not ready to give up on James. Embiid and Doc let him down after he won 2 games. That said, it has to be a reasonable contract he gettin old

  26. BillyBean11111

    Kornheizer finally starting to look old, dude looked the same for last 20 years

  27. starlinghanes

    Harden is 33 years old, has bounced around a few times now, and has never been clutch in the playoffs. What team would realistically pay him the max at this point?

  28. ZergTheVillain

    Is there a contender that would really fork out that much money for a a known choker and perineal playoff under performer?

  29. Shabbadazz_Shintoku

    Wind Horst is just a bag of hot air with a whispy wheezy little voice. Pos.

  30. Tapprunner

    I was saying like 6 months ago that the “Harden to Houston” noise is a BS negotiating tactic. There are like 4 teams that could offer him a decent contract. Houston is the only one that would even be plausible.

    But with basically no other free agency destinations, he’s in a very weak bargaining position. He’s got to find some way to strengthen it. So his crew puts it out there that he’s seriously considering going back to Houston. It’s bullshit. He doesn’t want to go there, and they don’t want him, either.

    He’ll stay in Philly – but he’ll probably have to compromise on either money or length of the contract.

  31. ktdotnova

    Paying Harden the max would be the MLB equivalent of giving 30-33 year olds 12 year deals with maximum money.

  32. trevortins

    Honestly if they let harden walk i wouldn’t be high on the sixers, they are a really good team rn ik they came up short but they went out in 7 with an injured embiid. They already pulled off a miracle turning Ben into harden idk if they can do it again.

    I like maxey but I don’t think him and harden is gonna work in the backcourt defensively and with hardens playmaking I think it’s easier to bring in another guy who fits better. But even if they run it back they are still gonna be one of the best teams in the league no reason to blow that up.

  33. silliputti0907

    I think the 76ers should try to keep him. I’m not convinced he’s the problem. Players need to be utilized and have better roles, including the stars.

  34. AwesomeRedgar

    harden is so bad in playoffs this guy crumbles under pressure, im not playing his bum ass in playoffs, he would be decent bench player tho, i think is time to understand harden is done as starter u maybe can use him in non playoff games

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