@National Basketball Association

[Buha] Los Angeles can match any outside offer either player receives from another team to retain them. As The Athletic reported Tuesday, the Lakers intend to keep both players this summer, even if it means matching their respective maximum offer sheets, according to multiple team sources…

[Buha] Los Angeles can match any outside offer either player receives from another team to retain them. As The Athletic reported Tuesday, the Lakers intend to keep both players this summer, even if it means matching their respective maximum offer sheets, according to multiple team sources…

by WorldTwisting


  1. iWr1techky12

    Who the fuck is maxing reeves or especially rui lmao? I guess reeves is a slight possibility depending on if a bad team with a ton of cap room really wants to pry him away but there is zero chance rui gets anywhere close to a max.

  2. OrdinaryFlower1

    Are we mistaking a regular/good player for a ***very good player*** just because he benefits from LBJ’s presence on the court?

    Are we doing that AGAIN?

  3. HillaryLost-2016

    Whats funny was just 2 weeks ago Lakers fans was calling Rob Lowe snub for executive of the year and clowning 4x champ Steve Kerr for getting outplayed by rookie head coach leading a team thrown together halfway through the season

    But now that they got swept, Lakers suddenly “weren’t actually that good”

  4. Theingloriousak2

    Leaking this is done to deter teams from even making offers, so they don’t get stuck for a few days while the lakers wait to match

  5. Salty_Watermelon

    Reaves is a safe bet for LA, and not just because he will probably continue to get an MVP James Harden whistle there. He’s a good fit with LBJ on the court and comes across as a great locker room guy. Any other team would have instant regret paying a huge salary to a player that will probably turn out to be just slightly above average for his position.

    Rui makes sense for LA if they want to run it back and go all in for a title next year. Otherwise I’d pass. He brings less to the table than Reaves and pretty much is who he is at this point. I’ve seen many teams (including my own) make a bad free agency decisions based on a player having one good playoff run.

  6. Intelligent_Self1034

    I don’t think Reaves gets that same contact whistle in Utah or Charlotte

    If someone offers him 4 years $100M Lakers gotta be prepared to let him go imo. Dudes just not a wing worth $25M annual.

    Bruce brown would be a better pick up.

    Lakers should’ve never let Kuz KCP, or Caruso go. They’d have insane chemistry by now. Should’ve kept Thomas Bryant as well

  7. souttous

    If you can’t win with Rui and Reeves making <$8M what chance do you have if they’re both making $20M?

  8. NotClayMerritt

    I’m more concerned about how they’re going to fill out the rest of the roster tbh. I actually believe they’ll keep Reaves and Rui but this bench needs some help and we can’t keep Dennis as he’s getting PAID elsewhere.

  9. stiff_hips

    They would much rather have Kyrie lol, I bet they try and keep Reeves though

  10. SnooHedgehogs2050

    Man I hope teams dont drive up the price to fk our payroll over

  11. If someone poison pill contracts reaves, good luck to the lakers paying almost $40 mil a yr for his last 2 yrs lol.

  12. newvpnwhodis

    Honestly this is probably a tactic by the Lakers; to get this out in the media, I mean. If the word is out there you’re going to match any offer, it discourages offers from being sent out in the first place, which helps your negotiating position with the player.

  13. TheMoorNextDoor

    Let go of DLO and you can live without Dennis.

    Keep Austin at all cost, do as much as possible to keep Rui and Vanderbilt as well.

  14. Safe_Caterpillar7521

    So it’s the max then. I’ll be mad if no other team gives Reeves that offer sheet to force their hand. And I’ll be really mad if Reeves signs for less, because he wants to stay in LA. He told teams not to take him in the second round, that team doesn’t need any more charity.

  15. misterpoopsies

    Can someone explain what keeps a team from trying to intentionally screw the Lakers by offering a max to a player like Reeves or Rui just to have the Lakers on the hook for that

  16. tooptoop9867

    San Antonio? You know what we gotta do 😈

  17. 12dart14

    Reeves has been great, but it’s been a very small sample size. The rest of the NBA will adjust to his game.

    I can easily see this as a Jordan Poole type situation where there’s an increase in salary but level of play either remains the same or regresses.

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