@National Basketball Association

Chuck gives advice to Zion Williamson on the Steam Room Podcast. Ernie: “You’re playing the Moses(Malone) role for Zion…Chuck: “I’ll love to”

Full Transcript:
>Chuck: Man, I don’t know you we’ve never met. You’ve gotta get somebody in your ear. I don’t think the coach has enough power to tell you what to do. I don’t think David Griffin who’s a friend of mine has enough power to tell you what to do. But somebody gotta tell you “Yo man you gotta get in shape.” Coz you’re gonna keep getting hurt if you’re out of shape.

I’ve told this story many times, I’m so blessed for Moses Malone, told me to get my fatass in shape and made me lose 50 pounds. It changed the whole dynamic of my life. And somebody’s gotta get in you ear and say “Yo man you gotta get in shape”. You’re never gonna be healthy out of shape. You’re too big to play basketball.

I hope you dont take this the wrong way, its positive criticism/critiquing. I want you to be a great basketball player. I’ve been in your shoes, being very talented, being overweight. And like I say I thank God everyday for Moses (Rest in Peace), coz if he hadnt took me under his wing, and let me tell you something-

>Ernie: You’re playing the Moses role for Zion

>Chuck: I will love to-

>Ernie: That’s what you’re doing right now-

>Chuck: Yeah and let me tell you something… I’ve seen dozens of guys eat their way out of the NBA. And it can happen quickly, because once you start getting hurt, you’re gonna keep getting hurt. And you’re gonna lose your talent.

For those who didn’t know, Barkley was overweight in his early years (290+ pounds) and Moses Malone straight up told him “you’re fat and your lazy”. Those words hurt him, but Moses followed it up by helping Charles lose weight down in between 260-265 and the rest was history.

[Link to Full Episode](
(Shoutouts to the Loyal Steamers out there)

by opkpopfanboyv3


  1. opkpopfanboyv3

    Excuse my formatting lmao I fucked it up

    Thoughts? Should Zion try to reach out to Charles? Maybe its easier said than done but what other stuff should he do?

  2. idk_what_name_toput

    Zion needs to be coachable in this aspect. Until then, nothing can change

  3. girlscoutcookies05

    These guys have a podcast too?? Jeez…

  4. Curious_Success_377

    The person in his ear is his mom.

    Who also happens to be his nutritionist.

  5. CreepyDepartment5509

    Charles would not want Zion to join the war of the ringless.

  6. LoudRise858

    It’s already late for all this, Zion is going to not be able to play basketball like he should and will go down as a huge bust

  7. bungajaji

    Why does Charles look like back when he was still playing for Phoenix Suns?

  8. koverage

    They need to put Zion on the Zhaire Smith diet

  9. DynamixRo

    First I thought it was just the studio lighting or something, but Chuck seems to be getting in great shape, which makes his advice for Zion hit even harder.

  10. CptCroissant

    Man this is such a shock, if only Zion would’ve had some way of knowing this coming out of college

  11. Ernie’s kicks are fire. Anyone know the model?

  12. mylifeforthehorde

    His entire reputation is just people begging him not to eat .. chuck is right, once you start eating and it becomes normal, it’s insanely hard to stop and go back to a lifestyle of moderation / control.

  13. EGarrett

    The ultimate irony of Chuck is that he turned out to be a better broadcaster than player. He was Top 15 to Top 20 all-time and near GOAT-level at his position in the NBA. But he’s the consensus #1 / GOAT as an NBA on-air talent, with Kareem-like (Lebron-like?) longevity.

    EDIT: He also didn’t win any NBA championships, but is a 4-time Emmy winner.

  14. wilsonsmilk

    These kids don’t know what they got man, the talent, height and opportunities. Zion, Ja, Ben Simmons, etc.

    How hard is it to sacrifice a couple of years of dieting, fitness, not waving guns, playing a damn basketball. Then they can all do whatever they want after a decade which is still in the prime of their lives.

    Strike and make bank for a couple of years. Is it really that hard?

  15. xandraPac

    He mentions dozens of people who ate their way out of the league. Who does he mean? Eddy Curry?

    Shawn Kemp put on a ton of weight towards the end of his career, but I think that was a case of him drinking too much.

  16. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help

  17. Accomplished_Welder3

    damn Chuck is losing weight at rapid pace look at those legs

  18. kosmos1209

    Barkley should be the person who Zion should look up to, as their frame and size are nearly similar: ultra athletic fat guy. At least Barkley played most of his career being thick on the edge of being fat, but that size paired with freakish athleticism really helped him be a dominant PF with great handles at 6’ 5”. Zion is 6’6”, freakishly athletic, wide af should really model his game after Barkley and get in shape.

  19. Bla-K-47

    Zion was in shape this season but still got hurt. Because of the physically of his game.

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