@National Basketball Association

GAME THREAD: Miami Heat (3-1) @ Boston Celtics (1-3) – (May 26, 2023)

##General Information
**TIME** |**MEDIA** |**Team Subreddits** |
08:30 PM Eastern |**Game Preview**: []( | /r/heat |
07:30 PM Central |**Game Charts**: []( | /r/bostonceltics |
06:30 PM Mountain|**Play By Play**: [](| |
05:30 PM Pacific |**Box Score**: []( | |
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  1. YaBoiWhit

    I do love that Reggie is on the refs ass about calling fouls late

  2. Realistic_Army_5395

    Jokic needs to teach his touch to Bam

  3. DA_ReasoN

    Fuck these refs. What was the deal with that late ass whistle?

  4. Drake0Malfoy

    You simply can’t give up all these offensive rebounds. It just can’t happen.

  5. orphicwitch

    does anyone actually use those foldable phones

  6. aleleein

    Bam needed to step up tonight and it ain’t happening

  7. Shoddy-Savings-1532

    Damn refs don’t want to call any fouls on the Celtics

  8. TechnicianWeird7593

    Is Derrick White arguing that foul?

  9. Bam either looks like a top 3 center in the league or a bottom 5 each time i watch him play, no in between

  10. facedownbootyuphold

    Bam couldn’t buy a bucket right now

  11. Bullseyefred

    Rob fouled the shit out of highsmith there

  12. theshamwowguy

    I’m late to the party, but Boston losing this game and it will be amazing 👏

  13. shurwakhor

    So bam is tall as shit but can’t make an easy shot lol and the selfies defense is crazy

  14. idrinkpisswater

    Trash Smart gets the softest calls. I guess all the flopping has helped him.

  15. smair21

    If they didn’t call a foul there I woulda lost my mind

  16. purplebuffalo55

    Bam add ATL had brick hands absolutely zero touch

  17. Ihopetheresenoughroo

    Boston can only play well when the other team is missing people 😂

  18. Benjamminmiller

    Rob got away with a lil wrist slap there.

  19. AmbitionExtension184

    I don’t think MIA would ever score again if they called illegal screens in the NBA

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