@National Basketball Association

[Joe Mazzulla] “I met three girls under the age of 21 who have terminal cancer. And I thought I was helping them, but they were helping me…Watching a girl that’s dying, smiling, that’s what it’s really all about. Having that faith.”

[Joe Mazzulla] “I met three girls under the age of 21 who have terminal cancer. And I thought I was helping them, but they were helping me…Watching a girl that’s dying, smiling, that’s what it’s really all about. Having that faith.”

by AashyLarry


  1. everyoneneedsaherro

    I know he means well but this is phrased very oddly

  2. Mundane_Pair_6556

    Hes like Abed from community and only relates to people through movie tropes

  3. MSKOnlyScans

    I haven’t seen The Town in a while but I don’t remember this part.

  4. Jabarles

    There’s something about this dude that just seems so off

  5. FloppyDonkeyDongss

    The first 9 words had me concerned ngl

  6. froandfear

    “Watching a girl that’s dying… that’s what it’s really all about.” – Joey “Snuff” Mazzulla

  7. Obvious_Parsley3238

    “men, there’s a little crippled girl in the hospital who wants you to win very much. i know because i put her there myself”

  8. PM-ME-Bbqchicken

    Literally every comment so far when I wrote this is someone mocking him for his take on something way more important than basketball.

    Reddit is really something sometimes. I wonder what things you guys are doing to make an impact in your community

  9. WaterPlug215

    [Ime Udoka]” I met 3 interns under the age of 21 who are married to my co-workers. And I thought I was helping them, but they were helping me….Sleeping with a woman that’s married, taken, that’s what it’s really all about. Breaking that faith”

  10. theodros1

    I thought he was trolling when he said the Royal family was Jesus, Mary and that other guy

  11. AnonymousIguana_

    Oh my god guys he’s just awkward. Its obvious he means that there are things bigger than basketball and that their perseverance inspired him. Implying that this is something sinister is genuinely disgusting.

    FULL QUOTE: “I though I was helping them BY TALKING TO ME”. Foh with these shitty cuts.

    What is so weird about an nba person meeting with kids with illnesses? Tatum literally did it last week, and Harden brought John Hao to games. Maybe the kids came to a Celtics practice or met with Brad and the higher ups or something. Shitting on this is just pathetic, if Spo said the same thing the comments would (rightfully) just be about how he’s a good guy. I know its Joe killing season rn but this is stupid, has nothing to do with his coaching ability.

    I honestly think the dude may be on the Spectrum, which makes the media treatment of him even worse.

    Edit: not saying normal jokes are bad, but the stuff implying that it was more than a talk is fucked

  12. VegetableBet4509

    > “Watching a girl that’s dying… that’s what it’s all about.

    Thats the headline

  13. Meret123

    Title left out parts of what he said to make it look weirder.

    > **Having an understanding about what life is really all about.** Watching a girl dying and smiling, **enjoying her life**, that’s what it’s really all about

  14. StockEmergency7019

    I don’t care what anyone says, I love this guy

  15. bruh2398

    Yeah he never beating the serial killer allegations lmao

  16. WeHaveArrived

    I get the idea but man this dude says weird stuff

  17. TheHeroicHero

    At no point reading that headline was I not wide eyed

  18. Machiniac

    Joe learned to talk from Magic’s tweets.

  19. Disastrous-Cycle-443

    Those 3 girls names : Jaylen Marselles Brown.

  20. PrinceKarmaa

    y’all are stretching it nothing he said was weird or confusing

  21. BlazersGotNext

    I hope the Celtics never fire this man, he’s too funny

  22. artificialismachina

    Joe “Diablo Early Access” Mazzulla looking forward to playing the necromancer

  23. mecon320

    I applaud this man’s commitment to making everyone else uncomfortable. King shit.

  24. JMisGeography

    When he’s not watching the town he’s watching young women die.

  25. euqinuhella

    This like that Rey mysterio tweet about beating his kids

  26. mapletree23

    Sometimes this dude sounds like a psychopath lol

  27. Bay2La19

    “I gain strength from the smiles of dying children”

  28. Chapea12

    I think I know what he means, but also, why is he watching these girls die slowly?

  29. Own_Competition_46

    Nothing usually ends well when a man says “he met girls under the age” but glad this took a turn for the best. His dead pan makes even the most sentimental of stories seem like a sordid confession.

  30. elefante88

    “I met three girls under the age of 21”

    That sentence did not start out well

  31. -Midnight_Marauder-

    This just in, Joe Mazulla enjoys watching dying women

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