@Denver Nuggets

Bruce Brown on The Dan Lebatard Show. Indicates it may have been Durant/Kyrie that didn’t want him back on the Nets.

Bruce Brown on The Dan Lebatard Show. Indicates it may have been Durant/Kyrie that didn’t want him back on the Nets.

by LACIRCA2044


  1. DefiniteSauce12

    Sometimes players just got to play. Like know your role in the organization

  2. mickelboy182

    Bruce didn’t indicate that at all, you have inferred it 😛

  3. cmfd123

    This shows what bozos players can be when it comes to anything other than playing. Bruce was good for the Nets. He didn’t say it was Durant or Kyrie, but who else on the team could have that kind of sway with front office? Maybe it was the coaches?

  4. Colorado_designer

    I like the detail of the specific shit talk Bruce had for Booker and D’angelo, what a savage

  5. Standup_Citizen

    Bruce Brown is awesome, man. It’s great how he’s showing support for the city. Can’t say that I’d be as gracious if I played for another city. Love this guy

  6. Gullible-Substance86

    We need a gofundme to keep this man

  7. No_Pension_4276

    Bruce gonna get… $17m/year 3 year deal?

  8. Baby_Yod4

    I doubt Kyrie had that type of pull plus I don’t take him as the type to throw a teammate under the bus like that. Most likely KD which is kinda sad

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