@Denver Nuggets

From r/NBAmemes “nothing can defend the Sombor Shuffle”

From r/NBAmemes “nothing can defend the Sombor Shuffle”

by Improverb


  1. stickied

    I just wish we had Marlowe and Winge there to call that shot, and not the ESPN Laker crew (though Breen is a good guy, and he nailed the classic BANG! Oh what a shot!)

  2. Glittering_Let_4230

    Is that a somber shuffle though? I thought it was when he jumps off his right foot, ie the same side as his shooting hand.

  3. Well the shot in picture is not a Sombor shuffle…

  4. NikolaJokicsBidet

    Yeah this is a “regular” one legged Dirk-style fallback, not a Sombor Shuffle. Sombor Shuffle if off-balance, where he’s jumping off his right foot and shooting with his right hand. This is balanced to where he’s jumping off his left and shooting with his right hand.

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