@Boston Celtics

The moment I knew the Celtics were gonna win the game.

The moment I knew the Celtics were gonna win the game.

by sstphnn


  1. smartoranges

    That Tatum baseball pass was fucking impressive.

  2. Whoareyou213

    For me it was when JB was about to force up a tough turnaround and instead passed it to white who knocked down a 3

  3. Forward-Form9321

    I got so hyped during this play. Why not us?

  4. champagnesupernova10

    All five starters touching the ball, amazing passes, forever hustling with the off reb, and then topping it off with an impeccable 3… this was my favorite sequence of this series by far.

  5. BoboBaggNz

    That’s a fucking Celtic play if I’ve ever seen one. Beautiful 🥲

  6. nedlifecrisis

    Daddy Al heard you all talkin shit

  7. kleetimm

    what a sequence- unselfish ball movement.. amazing rebounding and hustle… let the defense work for theor money.. this is also getting a series of endurance (and we should be overall younger)

  8. ArthurScherbius

    This was beautiful, but i got nervous when they started to force 3’s after first few ones went in…safe 2 is better than risky 3. Let’s not loose focus, and bring this shit home gor G7

  9. Plastic_Database_645

    Spurs basketball 🤝 Celtics Basketball

  10. ultrOs_

    My wife who looks at her phone all game turned to me after this play and said wow that was really cool. And that’s when I knew we were going to win.

  11. truth_2_point_0

    This was the best Celtics possession of the entire season IMO

  12. bileycyrus21

    I LOVED that play too, but I never “knew” we were gunna win. Even up 15 with 3 mins left I still wouldn’t get up and pee because of superstition 😂

  13. freehugandkiss

    They need to play like that all the time and I’m sure it would add 20 years to my life

  14. timeknife91

    This is when I love a 3 – good passing to generate good looks AND crashing the glass in case it doesn’t go in 💚

  15. OldSchoolAF

    Joe watched Hoosiers… told them “we’re going to pass at least 4 times before shooting”

  16. ssahfamtw

    Love that D White was probably set for defense already but came sprinting down to help Al when he saw Al has the chance to get the rebound.

  17. efshoemaker

    This was something I noticed last game and I’m not sure Miami has a good counter for it: We use Jaylen as a decoy to break their defensive shape.

    The play starts with Tatum trying to post up and all five defenders have a foot in the paint. Instead of fighting through that, he just kicks it out to brown at the top of the key.

    Jaylen pump fakes to draw up jimmy and then takes one hard dribble and immediately the heat empty the paint to make a wall to keep Jaylen from penetrating.

    But the play is still a Tatum post up.

    As soon as Tatum kicks it out he’s fighting for position to get to his spot again. Strus is up way too high because he wants to be in position to swipe at Jaylen if he tries to drive, so Tatum spins on him and and is wide open in the paint for a pass that Jaylen is looking to make because it’s a designed play and he was never actually going to drive.

    Once you have Tatum open in the paint with the ball the heat are chasing the play and all we have to do is keep moving it to the wide open man until we get a good shot.

    And if the heat ever stop blitzing Jaylen like that, he’s a guy that can and will score 20 in a quarter if you allow him to have any breathing room.

  18. theperpetuity

    The passing!!!

    And the first play bodies on the ground!

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