@Denver Nuggets

[Winge] Nikola Jokić says he didn’t watch Game 5 of Boston/Miami – well he only watched the first quarter – because he was on a walk with his daughter 🥹

[Winge] Nikola Jokić says he didn’t watch Game 5 of Boston/Miami – well he only watched the first quarter – because he was on a walk with his daughter 🥹

by BlindManBaldwin


  1. xxEOMFDxx


    This man is too pure for this league.

  2. who_likes_chicken

    Jokic has put in so much hard work up to this point that he couldn’t care less who their opponent is.

    How can this bit of news be so sweet and so savage at the same time? 🤣


  3. chinadonkey

    Man, the love that dads get for adequate parenting is weird. Not that I (as a similarly adequate father who goes on walks with my daughter instead of doing other things) don’t secretly enjoy the attention, but it’s still weird.

    I once had this lady walk up to me in King Soopers and whisper, “you’re a good dad,” when I was there alone with my toddler daughter. I guess it was because I was following her around and patiently putting back everything she pulled off the shelf without raising my voice? I was doing the same thing in Target the other day and some random teenager tried to hand me one of those Father of the Year trophies they’re selling atm.

    Only mentioning this because moms in general shoulder way more of the gross/ scary/ heartbreaking/ frustrating parts of parenting, and never receive anywhere near the same kind of praise as dads.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Go Nuggets.

  4. turandot_or_not

    He also said that hasn’t seen game 4. When asked about the matchups, he said Boston has a lot of flexibility on switching guys 1-5 on both him and Jamal, so they are very versatile defending. On Miami, he said every game against them is with a lot of contacts, really hard games as he described it, as every game is fought with blood and swords (meaning it’s a huge physical and mental battle). He concluded that both of those team can “surprise” them, but more in the context of putting them into difficulty, than actually surprising them.

  5. Denialofdeath2

    I hope he got to go the pool during this long break

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