@National Basketball Association

Jaylen Brown to Kyle Lowry after a hard foul: “Aye relax. You’re motherfucking dirty dawg. Man is always starting shit, dawg. Trying to break my fucking arm.” Lowry: “I just fouled you, alright?” Brown: “You do that all the time. Watch yourself.”

Yesterday around midway 2nd quarter, Kyle Lowry grabbed Jaylen Brown’s wrist in the paint, the same wrist that he had been icing pregame. The foul wasn’t that bad, but Jaylen did not take kindly to this, and the two had to be separated.

Heat and Celtics beef is real.

[Source, full interaction](

by Dazzling-Reason-5140


  1. The replay cuts the part where Lowry hooked his injured wrist.

  2. jawadhaque089

    Not surprising Lowry is a dirty player

  3. Friendly-Thought-973

    That ain’t beef, that’s just Jaylen Brown talking to Lowry dirty ass like everyone does

  4. jslee0034

    A lot people rly confuse between a hustle player and a dirty player. Not surprised. Also hate that lowry is always looking for fouls.

  5. AdmiralWackbar

    Kyle Lowery, dirty player? No, I have ever herd such a thing. He’s just a scrappy hustler

  6. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    If you watched Lowry’s entire career, you would know how obvious it is he plays dirty. He flops all over the place, and the best way he knows how to be a good defender is playing super physical, usually trying to go unnoticed.

    when you’re his height, and want to make an impact defensively, you have to be big (lowry is) and play big.

  7. Outland3r_

    Lol these dudes would die if they played a full contact sport

  8. moorelurk

    I mean hooking on your injured arm does that to a mf. I could never blame JB for reacting that way.

  9. DontBanMe_IWasJoking

    same people that suck marcus smart off , theyre the same player. get over it folks, also everyone knows Brown is one of the softest guys in the league

  10. Aurock75

    Good for JB don’t let these dirty ass players punk you

  11. MyNameIsAMeme

    Lowry just shittier Chris Paul tbh

  12. 693275001

    Lowry is a dirty player foul baiter and grifter

  13. siva115

    Lowry pulls this shit all the time. Not the first time JB has called it out

  14. Square_Counter_7574

    Aaaarrrrgggghhhh you dirty dawg. You rotten scoundrels always starting shit. Ahoy ye game 7 cometh

  15. Gerald_the_sealion

    Lowry is literally the only Villanova player I can’t stand.

  16. DonovanMcTigerWoods

    Raptors fans: Nooo he’s not dirty he just plays with heart, he’s a Hall of Famer!

  17. burnSMACKER

    “Elite athlete taking every advantage possible to win”

  18. DumplingConquistador

    Lowry is dirty. Good on Brown for calling him out.

  19. Oscar_Dondarrion

    I don’t like the dirtiness from Lowry generally.

    I do admire the career he has made for himself however. Despite being a smaller, chubby, not particularly athletic player with no individually elite assets, he’s carved out a long career for himself at a high level.

  20. xepheus_01

    This is probably gonna get down voted to death in a Celtics hate thread.
    But there’s a huge difference playing dirty and playing hard and I don’t think Lowry plays dirty as someone who watched Lowry for years. Lowry, Smart, CP3 are similar in the fact that they play a particular role for their team, for their height, for their skillset and more importantly they all hate to lose. You would only hate Lowry when he’s not on your team. Just like how other fan bases hate Smart and CP3. If you hate Lowry and think he’s dirty, then you’d have to also hate Smart and CP3 for the same reasons.

  21. BradyReas

    Jaylen brown saying what everyone but raptors fans already knows

  22. Professor_Spam

    I love when Jaylen snaps back at guys like this. It doesn’t happen often, but he takes ZERO garbage from the other team. That clip gets me fired up.

  23. sathan1

    Oh god the Celtic fan boys have taken over😭

  24. MasterMacMan

    At least he’s not a rotten scoundrel

  25. wetfarts2

    He was doing dirty shit the entire Knicks series…Lowry is in fact dirty and intentional

  26. jeewantha

    I’ve always seen Lowry as a less accomplished CP3


    i hate the celtics as much as the next guy, but he has a point. this whole heat team is borderline dirty. in 6 games against the knicks they injured 6 players

  28. poppinfresco

    Lowry had zero production. 8 points, nothing else of consequence. This is the thing he is good at. Cause it’s certainly not basketball. It’s hard fouls. Butler is another one. Played the entire game, couldn’t score more than either of the Jays. So he takes four dives in the fourth quarter and gets rewarded for every single one. Then I have to listen how Miami is the more talented team. At what, foul baiting and bitching?

  29. Donpure

    After this interaction, fat Lowry proceeded to brick the fuck out of a three. Then trot his xtra thick ass into the paint and hand the ball over.

  30. DrewBreesAteMyFamily

    Jaylens 100 percent right fuck that fat piece of shit

  31. socom52

    Al and Marcus have entered the chat. Let’s not pretend Lowry is the only dirty player in this series.

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