@Los Angeles Lakers

Is Beasley most likely gone this off-season?

Is Beasley most likely gone this off-season?

by Winter-Gur-9762


  1. SpaceAndBball

    seems like a redemption season for him

  2. Top-Consequence-911

    I hope so, but only if it’s for an upgrade. Tired of losing guys for nothing just to save the owners some luxury tax.

    Dude can’t handle the bright lights.

  3. Danny_III

    He’s a great trade piece. I’d rather keep Beasley/Bamba over dlo from a trade perspective. Much easier to move a 1 year salary than a 2-4 year albatross

  4. winter-r0se

    i hope not. you don’t just lose your shooting abilities. training camp & not a lot of pressure from the post trade deadline run should help. maybe

  5. XxHighEvoxX

    He is young and on a fine contract. Zero reason to not keep a guy like that around. Pretty basic.

  6. Most likely? No. He’s definitely getting shopped tho

  7. Give him another chance. I think he might benefit with a training camp under his belt.

  8. WideCoconut2230

    Waiting to see what the market is for him. He wants minutes, and he might not get that many here.

  9. easymoneysniper223

    I pray Kyrie take a pay cut to come here… These dudes ain’t cut out for the big stage (DLo,Beasley) 🥱

  10. KushBlazer69

    Why would he want to stay when he got no postseason minutes

  11. Irrichc

    Id be pleasantly surprised if he isnt…especially if we give reaves and rui the bag. I just cant see front office paying tax dollars for a guy who contributed nothing in the playoffs. Ideally id like to keep him around for trade purposes but his tax implications would be too much for our mom and pop owners.

  12. LakerSamurai

    Sucks that our team completely gave up on using him, especially in a series where we’re down 0-3. It’s like fuck it, why not just try throwing him in there for a few minutes maybe he gets hot and hits some timely 3’s… we got him bc we, “needed a laser”, right? I would’ve started using him game 2 or at least game 3. Didn’t even get minutes game 4 smh

  13. Immediate_Candidate5

    Felt like he isn’t used probably. After the trade lebron was out majority of the time and he couldn’t get good looks.

  14. MrJayFizz

    I hope so. Dude is a certified bricklayer

  15. GamerRav

    I wouldn’t mind him back, but $17M is just way too much money to pay a guy who’s as streaky as he is. Decline his team option and see if he’d like to come back for ~$10M and I’d be down for a return.

  16. KingNephew

    D’lo should be traded for a pg upgrade and center spot fixed. Keep Beasley and retain as many guys as possible.

    I think Beasley can be better. Unless you find a good trade for a starting caliber wing.

  17. Appropriate-Job-2972

    The only thing Beas was hitting was Scotty Jr’s mom. Couldn’t even hit the side of a barn for a supposed shooter

  18. super-cowboyjon

    I’m sure he goes to a different team in a smaller market and finds his form but he proved he isn’t built for this. No shame in that – he joins a long list of players who came to LA and forgot how to shoot, and shooting is the only thing Beasley can give us.

  19. Buckowski66

    If they moved on from Danny Green, a much better and valuable player who could actually play defence, why couldn’t they live without Beasley?

  20. Unfortunately I’m now of the belief that he has a high chance of getting his option declined. Cutting him saves $50m+ on the luxury tax bill and gets Lakers below 2nd tax apron.

  21. Huemagus

    He went from being a starter for us to completely unplayable. He doesn’t play defense or score at even at league average efficiency. Probably try to re-sign him to a moveable contract and see if there are any good trades to get a real contributor.

  22. SixGunChimp

    He didn’t play when we needed to win most. So I’m not entirely sure how interested Rob is.

  23. jubila8t0r

    Give everyone a chance til trade deadline in February next season qe barely had a couple of games under everyone with the new group and we got to the wcf lol we defeated the current Champs too and the 2nd seed in the first round! 🤣 the potential of this group compared to the 2-10 group is not even comparable.

  24. aspektbeats

    So many people here play 2k too much, thinking you’re going to sign DLO and Beasley and then trade them for an upgrade at pg and other positions because you don’t like what they did in big games, what exactly do you think the team accepting them will think? It’s crazy talk

  25. Djaukamo

    Hold on a minute. Michael Beasley, is that you? This screenshot is 7 seconds after his post and OP was the first like.

  26. thatguy201717

    Hell nah, at $16m No thanks bro wtf

  27. Lmnolmnop

    I love Beas, he’s a 20 pt threat that’s never afraid to shoot.

    But also, he’s *never afraid to shoot*. lol

  28. MapleTr0n

    On a good contract for trade purposes. Otherwise I’m sure our coaches, with a full offseason, will set something up for him to succeed.

  29. MattWey

    He has team option for like 16 mln which I don’t see Lakers entertaining outside of instant trade scenario. I don’t think he is as bad as he was in the last part of the season and playoffs but he crumbled upon pressure playing for Lakers/Lebron/title.

    So far LA management shown they are not too willing to go over cap unless it’s a star player. Our priority is signing Reaves and Rui which we have full ability to do, but there will be counter offers that might even with those two brings us over the cap. If we sign Vando with the team option for 5 mln and NOBODY else we are left with like 25 mln. under cap cause LBJ and AD contracts.

    I believe Reaves might get offers for close to 20 mln per year. I mean Carruso got 10 mln per year and he is purely defensive player. Rui might get like 15 mln per year as he played so-so in the season but his PO contribution was huge, so win-now teams will want him.

    I pray some team wants to just tank and we can give Beasley this money but get some PG, cause Dennis will be gone with the bag from other teams most likely.

  30. purplebuffalo55

    I hope not, he had a rough transition but he’s a valuable piece if he can find his rhythm again which he will. You don’t forget how to shoot, he’s just gonna find his groove

  31. He played like Carmelo’s season with us but even more bricks. I liked him a lot before he came to the Lakers and I wish he figures it out during the off season.

  32. Golilizzy

    So we all gonna ignore that OP was the first like?

  33. I remember this itw. Its when he said we should target the championship. He vanished after that

  34. xxxhotpocketz

    I would like to keep him, we can probably get him on a minimum and he’s a proven shooter

    I say give him one more chance, if not well then hes moveable

    I just don’t know who else you can get for his reputation on a minimum contract, if he wants anything more than Imo he’s not worth it

  35. AttacksKing

    i’m sure it was hard for him to seeing so many bitchy fans, fans expect dude to go 1000/1000 from 3

  36. adultishgambinoh

    I’d say keep him unless there’s a valued return in a trade. Dudes on contract year so he can’t stink it up again

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