@Los Angeles Lakers

There really was something wrong with him this past series looking back at DLO before. I really don’t think we should just let him walk though, he def deserves another chance and it wasn’t all his fault for the loss really.

There really was something wrong with him this past series looking back at DLO before. I really don’t think we should just let him walk though, he def deserves another chance and it wasn’t all his fault for the loss really.

by Winter-Gur-9762


  1. DuarteN10

    Yeah, it’s what happens when you’re playing against the best team in the league and a level above what he’s capable.

    He was specifically targeted by Denver every single second he was on the floor, and it worked every single second he was on the floor.

    He should walk because he has shown not only this postseason but throughout his career, he’s just not cut out for the highest possible level, the one that we need to be to win championships

  2. brandoi

    Anybody saying we should let him walk understands nothing about asset management.

  3. Temet21

    He was exhausted in his first deep run and got hunted. Everyone is going to reply with “he’s not capable” but it’s just conditioning. Now he knows that. It’s no coincidence that he got worse as he played more basketball. Reaves struggled against the warriors for the same reason.

    All those young guys know now they have to condition their bodies and they’re learning from the best conditioned athlete in the league in Lebron James. Health and conditioning was this teams Achilles Heel

  4. percbandit

    Keep him at a reasonable contract if and only if you can’t find a S&T partner for him. He was absolutely invisible in the WCF.

  5. LudwigNasche

    We definitely should give him a new contract and we definitely shouldn’t give him another chance.

    Against Denver his lack of athleticism and strength was exposed on offense, but his putrid defense was exposed since begining, it was just Denver didn’t have someone we could hide him.

    We should sign him for market value and move him when a good two way asset become available.

  6. Glad-Ebb3506

    He needs to get in the gym and put on more muscle.

  7. Early-Candidate5492



  8. victorioussecret7

    Lol people blaming the players instead of the coach

  9. Eder_Cheddar

    He was in his head this series.

    The weight of the situation and never have gotten that deep into the playoffs.

    That messed with him I’m sure.

  10. Imaginary_Bicycle_14

    No. It was ALL his fault. Good bye and good riddance. I don’t need see this movie a third time. We know how this one ends. He is NOT a gamer. He’s a practice/pre season mvp guy. Come post season not so much. Bye!!!

  11. Le4-6Mafia

    The “something wrong” was him getting cooked on defense and going ice cold from the field. Sign and trade him or let him walk, he isn’t a winning player.

  12. Fearless-Position375

    We need to trade Austin reves loni walker and Troy brown jr wenyen Gabriel and a 1st round draft pick for kyrie or lillard

  13. hojboysellin3

    I think it was a bad matchup for him and he completely fell apart and lost his mojo. Dlo needs his confidence to be effective but he also needs to work on his conditioning and put more effort out there. We have to resign him to retain the asset.

  14. lionking25

    no way we let him walk, worst case scenario he can be a decent trade asset next season. But Rob better not get robbed by this dude. anything more than 25m is a highway robbery

  15. Academic-Principle14

    It wasn’t all his fault, but a lot of it was his fault. He played very badly against the Nuggets. Shows no discipline when it comes to shot selection. Offer him a 3 yr $25M deal and if he rejects it, fuck him. He’s not really worth more than that.

  16. MayOrMayNotBePie

    I’d like to keep him. Denver was a bad series which cost us quite a bit, but he had been doing pretty well before that. Not perfect but pretty well.

  17. jackoftrades002

    That’s the thing about DLo. When he’s on, he’s a great player but when he’s off he’ll kill ya. Seems like he peaked in Brooklyn.

  18. SnapsOnPetro45

    It was Darvins fault for forcing him in the rotation.

  19. SeeingThings123

    1. D-Lo was a key piece of our run to even make the playoffs and stepped up in key games in the first two rounds.

    2. If we can go out and get Brook Lopez, moving AD to the 4, it would be MUCH easier hiding D-Lo because he’d be funneling ball handlers into the help defense of Bron, AD, and Lopez 💀

    D-Lo, Reaves, Bron, AD, Lopez is my dream lineup for next season. Got plenty of shooting, slashing, post play, ton of defense, and the fit with AD and Lopez is absolutely perfect on both ends.

  20. Due_Platypus_3913

    He JUST got(back) here like 45 f+^#^*+!> minutes ago,and has already had several great games.KEEP HIM!

  21. IHave580

    I’d like to see him back for sure. Get a training camp and some time with this team

    I think he wasn’t sure what his role was. He’s kind of a PG that likes to make the plays and passes and the lakers start a lot of sets with different ball handlers like Reaves or Bron to get different matchups and schemes going.

    It didn’t show in this playoffs, but he’s a solid shooter and can hit big shots. He’s not amazing ok D but he does add since to an already big lineup, which helps.

  22. Hairy-Conference-802

    He faced bad matchup against Nuggets.

  23. LoudRise858

    I’m glad fans like you don’t run the organization

  24. XoXHamimXoX

    He’s on his third contract and the idea of D’Lo is better than the reality of who he is as a player.

  25. pressieguy

    Maybe he didn’t go full zero dark thirty like bron

  26. MrPino777

    I don’t blame DLo completely, not even 50% tbh. I blame Ham for not figuring out a way to hide him defense enough and not guarding Murray like he’s Steph. Looked at most of the games the Nuggets lost all year and more than 90% were because Murray had a bad shooting night. Even when we were close to winning was because he wasn’t making them. Caruso, KCP and Green were putting the clamps on when we won in 2020.

  27. PumpzPivotzFirez

    there was nothing wrong with him – it’s called pressure

    and he’s unable to play defense at the level required to beat great offensive teams

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