@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks Fan Reaction to SUGGESTED trade for John Collins

Smitty gives you his thoughts on a suggested trade for John Collins with the Boston Celtics


  1. I would trade Collins for jaylen brown I would make this trade in a heart beat I'm sorry but I want Jaylen brown in the A

  2. Too much on our end. I don't are about Collins, he's another Cliff Levingston, it's Jalen Johnson & AJ Griffin I wanna keep. I think we'd regret letting either of them go. And 2-First Round picks.? What if Jalen Brown is injured right off the bat. maybe career-ending.? What about the future in that case, after the future has been given away..

  3. I would rather trade for Obie Toppin, keep AJ Griffin and the first round picks.
    Toppin is playing behind Randle and his potential is hidden, we get to keep the similar setup in 1-3 and potentially adding a player that matches Young's tempo night after night.

  4. I been saying this for years …my boi trae needs consistent help..yes John Collins can go..he's been to inconsistent..I would do this trade ..jalen said already he would like to come here and play with trae..

  5. Why would we want 3 gaurds in the starting lineup? Makes 0 sense. You trade murray to and keep johnson. Brown is a better fit next to trae because he is a pure SG and Murray isn't

  6. I would only do that trade if we can keep Murray too. I like the trade , it would be Atlanta’s version of a big 3!

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