@National Basketball Association

[Slater] The Heat have a flight scheduled to Denver, not Miami, after the game tonight, per FAA records.

Per Andy Slater, sounds like the Heat are thinking they’re walking out of game seven in Boston with a W.

>The Heat have a flight scheduled to Denver, not Miami, after the game tonight, per FAA records.

[Source Here](

by HatsOnTheBeach


  1. Bababooey98

    NBA script leaked again I see. More proof the league is rigged.

  2. silverxsmoke

    Dudes wanna watch the finals even if they aren’t in it

  3. Next-Firefighter-753

    They’re going to have a bunch of fun at the aquarium and the zoo to uplift them after a tough 3-0 lead blown.

  4. EvilDonCheadle

    Probably just a vacation. I hear Denver is nice this time of year.

  5. EntertainmentWarm774

    Wtf please don’t tell me this is real

  6. ThinkSoftware

    Professional athletes are confident, news at 11

  7. Such_Credit7252

    Win or Lose, the Miami Heat players will be able to fly to Denver or Miami after the game.


  8. AtWorkCurrently

    Teams always get clowned on but this is totally normal. Especially when you consider potentially needing to adjust for the altitude.

  9. itssensei

    O god the jokes are starting to write theMselves.

    Pls Heat don’t lose LOL

  10. SysAdminJT

    This is standard procedure.
    Their flights plans have to be ready regardless of the outcome.

    A good analogy is how they print boxes of championship gear and ready for both teams at the stadiums on close out games.

  11. abris33

    They would need to adjust to the altitude before Thursday if they win tonight. It’s best to get there early. Makes sense

  12. flamingviper3175

    I mean this is a pretty normal thing lol. Celtics would have the same thing if they were not hosting

  13. itsnotthattypeofmovi

    Supposed to be a nice week so at least they can hike if there’s no game for them

  14. orphicwitch

    i love this mess so much! i’m enjoying every piece of stupid news that has to do with series

  15. ddottay

    Probably made the reservation after they went up 3-0 lol

  16. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    they want to watch the NBA finals, makes sense

  17. RunicLordofMelons

    Yeah this is completely normal. I get it’s fun to slander but teams have to work WELL ahead for these logistical things.

    Boston likely has a flight to Denver scheduled as well for Game 3 & 4, not to mention both teams already have their arenas booked for the potential dates for Game 3, 4, & 6 (For Miami) or Game 1,2, 5, & 7 (For Boston)

  18. TheMightyJD

    I’m going to be insufferable when Miami wins tonight.

  19. 20Keys2theHead

    I guarantee they also have one scheduled to Miami as well…. click bait

  20. Anora6666

    Lol they fly charter it can literally go anywhere.

  21. DemarcusLovin

    total non-story, every team does this. Flights need to be planned out

  22. DynamixRo

    Might be a bit awkward when the entire Denver Nuggets staff and roster shows up in the stands for tonight’s game.

  23. joebos617

    that flight is getting rerouted to Cancun

  24. DjLionOrder

    God I’m so tired of this team and it’s bullshit culture. Can’t wait to see them get spanked tonight.

  25. I also hear rumors that Rachel Nichols is scheduled to interview with Jimmy after the game

  26. msizzle344

    They’re going to cap about 10lbs of weed and try to convince Riley it’s time to hit up Malibu

  27. Conyeezy765

    I’m sure they both already have hotel reservations as well. In fact I know they do, what a stupid post.

  28. ColtCallahan

    Boston would also have one planned if they were on the road for a game 1 in the finals.

    I know this is bait to get people to clown on them. But it’s stupid as fuck.

  29. No_Palpitation_3649

    Doesn’t professional teams fly private? lmao

  30. trinquin

    Wierd place to spend their off seasons, mountains are beautiful I guess. Maybe they want to watch the Finals and will pick up some tickets.

  31. AleroRatking

    I assume that every single playoff team would do this. It’s not like they can’t change flights.

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