@Chicago Bulls

Since the Bulls traded Jimmy Butler: Bulls has 1 playoff appearance… Jimmy Butler has 2 Finals appearances


Dear Diary: Just another day to spread my hate for Jerry Reinsdorf, Gar Forman, and John Paxson. Bulls failed their rebuild, Bulls traded their young pieces to be competitive… just to squeak into their only playoff appearance and lose in 5, and Butler has been leaving his impact around the league. **I’m not saying Bulls would be living in the finals with Butler, but they would be in a much better position compared to their dumpster fire rn.**

**Bulls fans like to say: “Media made the Bulls pick Rose or Butler”.** Rose is a Chicago legend, but at that point it was always Butler. He was younger & better… Bulls fans would be upset, at first, but winning solves everything.

**Bulls fans like to say: “Bulls tried to build around him & it didn’t work”.** LOL you call Rondo & Wade a legit way to build around your star player? Wade was a shell of himself and came for the hometown paycheck. Rondo was a viable role player, but he shouldn’t be your 2nd/3rd best player. Jimmy’s only real chance at being competitive was with Rose’s old running mates + Pau, and they were damn competitive… a buzzer beater away from being 3-1 at one point against Cleveland LeBron.

**Bulls fans like to say: “He would’ve left anyway.”** Maybe he would’ve, maybe he wouldn’t… doesn’t mean you just give up on your star player because he might leave. You put your best foot forward, which the Bulls didn’t, and produce the best result you can get. If it sucks, oh well at least you tried. If it works, Jimmy would be happy with being competitive & be inclined to stay with a competitive team who drafted and did right by him.

Instead of all of that, Bulls gave up on Butler and traded him away for a good player with a shit plan. End of diary

by OhiOstas


  1. Riderz__of_Brohan

    Jimmy Butler has won as many ECF games in the last 2 hours as the Bulls entire franchise has won in the 25 years since Michael Jordan retired

  2. archangelzero2222

    Yep. Shocked they felt they couldn’t build around him. Biting this franchise ten fold over and over again with stupid moves. Seeing him play I feel this team would be better with Jimmy as the alpha to inspire them to compete

  3. ScoobyDoouche

    Yeah, yeah… Gonna forget about the bulls for a couple years and just enjoy the bears & maybe the hawks. With enough weed, the time will fly by

  4. SmokimNoah

    This isn’t even about the trade being good or bad, but do you all realize that WAY better players than Jimmy Butler haven’t been to 3 ECFs in 4 years, no less 2 finals?

    Like we just watched a guy who was cut by the Charlotte Hornets just this season arguably be equally as important as Butler in two series straight and you all think Erik Spoelstra is not a HUUUGEEEE factor? Jimmy carried in round 1 but these past two series have been an entire team effort.

    This is not to discredit Butler, and there is no argument to be made about Lavine > Butler (since that’s what people on this sub like to make it about). But just focusing on Jimmy’s success without factoring in coaching is foolish. The Miami Heat have one of the best coaches of all time and we’ve had Fred-Jim-Billy.

    No matter how y’all feel about our current situation and players, Jimmy isn’t doing that shit here man

  5. Regular-Ad7589

    Begging y’all to stop acting like we’d have the same success with Jimmy as the Heat

  6. volantredx

    The reason we traded Jimmy is the same reason people want us to trade Zach. We didn’t have title hopes and for some reason, NBA fans think if you aren’t title locks you should sell everything and live in the lotto until you draft the next phenom.

    Turns out you could be a total nothing team and if the players buy-in and get a little lucky you can actually achieve things.

    But no I get it, better to try to mimic The Process. Clearly worked wonders for the 6ers.

  7. flukeunderwi

    Heat have a great team around him. Look at his efficiency the past 2 series.

    He was clearly the best Heat player in 4 of 13 games against the Knicks and Celtics. Had a handful of bad games, etc.

    The Bulls could not build that type of team around him , it would look so much different here.

    Jimmy had 2 great runs, and was great in the Milwaukee series as well. Probably fatigued to be honest.

  8. I mean yeah we know all this. We flubbed up trading Jimmy but tryna pretend like we suddenly would’ve made all the right moves to keep him happy and actually field a competitive team when this organization has been nothing but a dumpster fire since Mike retired the second time isn’t healthy either. It’s been 6 years since the trade just let it go

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